Thursday 18 April 2013

Shark feeding - Thevenard Island. 6

Well today it was my turn, to go out and feed the sharks!!! It was fantastic, I would have paid $100 for that, lucky it's free for staff!!!

                                     Steve infront of our fishing charter Boat- Thevenard 1.

                                                        The shark neally got it!!!

                                                    The Giant Grouper arrives in style!!!

                                The Grouper takes the bait and the shark's can only watch!!!!

                                                     The giant Grouper!!! Amazing!!!

                                                       The Sharks were everywhere.

We reckon there were between 8 to 12 sharks, that appeared instantly around the boat, they know where they get fed!!! They were everywhere, the water was so clear, you could mostly see them coming, but sometimes they just come from under the boat!! They do like chewing on our props!!


Thursday 11 April 2013

Thevenard Island.5

After work Steve went out with the boys, on a snorkel trip. The snorkelling is fantastic out here. You never know what you will see but are guaranteed to always see lots!!!!
                                                                     A sleeping Turtle. 
                                                     A Wobbegong Shark (Carpet Shark)

                                                          A Wobbegong Shark.

                                                                 One of the Locals!!

At the end of each day, the boys have to take the fish carcasses out to sea to dump. This is a Shark frenzy!!
                                                              Another Local - a large Cod.

                                                            Shark Feeding Frenzy!!!!

Thursday 4 April 2013

Thevenard Island 4

We are still on Thevenard Island, we have been kidnapped and are now working here for 6 weeks!!!! Enjoy the photos and I will try and keep the blog more up to date......

                                                    A Sea Eagle on Thevenard Island.

                                                Steve beach fishing, a baby GT (Grunter).

                                                             A Shovel Nose Shark.

                                                        Steve's first day at work.

                                                           Steve on the boat at work.

                                               A Turtle wedged in the coral, trying to hind.

That's it for now.... more to follow shortly!!!