Friday 30 August 2013

Cape York 1. (kurumba to Coen).

On the drive to kurumba, the wind was howling across the salt pans, which at times made it difficult to see the road. Kurumba is famous for its fishing on the Norman River and in the Gulf. Extremely pretty, however yet again you cannot swim in the waters due to the large Crocs that lay in wait….. We were talking to a ranger in the coffee shop and he told us about the problems they have with dogs and cats here, they can still shoot dogs & Cats, they get $10.50 per dead cat!!! The other night he caught a 20kg cat!!! On the drive here we saw thousands of cattle, hundreds of Brolgas, horses and lots of big dead pigs on the side of the road. We went to the Barramundi Discovery Centre, hoping Steve could get close to a Barra and it is closed until further noticeL The Agile wallabies seem semi tame round here as they enjoy eating the grass roots at the back of our camper. Steve went on a fishing charter and we didn’t have fish for tea!!! We had 6 nights here whilst the car was fixed, which without a tinny was probably 5 nights to many. We also cross the Great Dividing Range, 270m. We also are now where the big fruit bats are, at night you can hear them going over the tent.
Dusty Salt Pans.
Steve by the Norman River.
A Brolga came to visit.

Finally we leave kurumba behind, heading North to Kowanyama, well we decided this peninsular should be called Billabong Peninsular (Not Cape York Peninsular), as it was a very poor wet last season, yet still there is water everywhere. No wonder the pigs love it up here, the population of pigs is around 3 million!! We bushed camped somewhere 200klm South west of Musgrave. The wild life and bird life is amazing.  We leave our bush camp behind and head to Musgrave and onto Coen. We were lucky enough to find another free camp by the Stewart River, and after checking out the rocky area decided we would have a wash here, and we saw no sign of Crocs!!! The road changes often, sand, shingle, Bull dust, clay, dry creeks and unexpected big dippers, even caught Steve by surprise!!
Cattle at 1 of the many Billabongs on our way to Kowanyama.
Alice River Crossing.
Half way over Alice River.
A lone Jabiru.
Our camp by Mosquito water hole. (We think).
Feral Cattle mixed with Station Cattle. 
Distances from Musgrave.
Musgrave Roadhouse.
Me at Musgrave Roadhouse.
Tractor pull for charity going through Coen.
Steve at our camp by the Stewart River, Coen.
Steve at the Stewart River, soaking his feet!! 


Thursday 22 August 2013


Normanton set in the most Wondrous surroundings of the Gulf Savannah. We enjoyed our time here, as the town has a good feel to it, three pubs and history. The only thing we didn't like was the purple pub!! Yuk!!!

At last!! Steve get's his picture with a Barra!!
The Purple Pub.
Weastpac Bank, featuring timber & cast Iron lace work on the Verandas.
Me at the Historic Railway Museum.
Steve in the Super lander.
Steve at the station. ( 1888).
Freight Wagon's.
Steve at the Albion Pub. Where we had drinks at 11am!!
Carpentaria Shire Council built in 1890.
This is a life size model of Krys the Savannah King Croc, caught in 1957 by Krystina Pawlowski, a well know Crocodile hunter. Measuring 8.63m long!!!
The Gulf Lander coming into the station.
Cranking the 43hp motor on the Rm60 (our Ride).
The drivers instruments.
Are we there yet?
                                                     Steve in the RM60.

Steve & the driver having a yarn!!
The end of our ride on the RM60 (83 years old), coming into the Normanton Station.


Monday 19 August 2013

Adel's Grove, Lawn Hill National Park & a Muster.

We leave Seven Emu Station and continue along Savannah Way, we cross several River crossings, (We have noticed any deep crossing never have a depth gauge, is this because they have been washed away? flood ways with no water always still seem to have them). We see Brolga's, Brumbies and we are certainly deep in the heart of cattle land now. We eventually arrive at Adel's Grove, and it is crazy, so many people, not the kind of camping we are used to!!
We canoe the Lawn Hill Gorge and did some walks.

                                              Crossing into Queensland.

                                        One of the many hazards on the road.

                                             Lot's of Cattle & Lot's of dust!!

                                         It's my road and I will not move!!

                 A water crossing with no signs and we could not see the road out!!!!

                              A fresh water Croc, we did some swimming with.

                  Swimming in Lawn Hill Creek, with the Fresh Crocs was great fun.


Lawn Hill Gorge.
One of the many falls, in the Gorge.
Another water fall.
Steve trying to get me wet as I was in the front of the Canoe.
                                                      Lawn Hill Gorge.

Steve doing the work, behind me.
Lawn Hill Gorge.
         Steve at the end of the Gorge, where water is coming from every direction.

Lawn Hill Gorge.
                                Steve in the Cascades, Lawn Hill National Park.

Oh, yes we went to dinner at Adel's Grove and Mixed with the posh people.
                                             Another hazard of the road.

We head towards Gregory downs and onto Burke town and after a week or more on unsealed roads, it was nice to be on a sealed road.(I'm sure knowing Steve it won't last long). Along the way we came upon a muster taking place on a creek, well it looked crazy to us, the helicopter was nearly on the ground and in the trees, it looked scary, however the pilot even had time to wave, there were a couple of utes, a couple of Bikes and about 4 dogs, it was great to watch!!

A helicopter mustering.
There are cattle running everywhere.
The Ute, Bike and a dog cross the creek.