Monday 14 July 2014

Mareeba Rodeo. Tablelands. FNQ.

Mareeba 65th Rodeo.  What a fantastic day out!!! My photographs have improved since the last rodeo. The first Mareeba rodeo was held in 1949.  The rodeo ground is built on an old aerodrome.

I have to say "Our hats go off to the rodeo clowns", they did a fantastic job all day and at times really put their lives on the line for the sake of the competitors!!

Me with some live stock from Kuranda.

Steve with some Brahman cattle. 

The rodeo arena.

Team roping. (So the cowboy to the right lassos the calf's head and the cowboy to the left has to lasso the calf's hide legs and the quickest time wins). 
Some cowboys recoiling their ropes.

The calf's returning to their pens.

That's a BIG BULL!!
(I didn't know Bulls were bred especially for the rodeo circuit, I thought they just went out into the scrub and got a couple of ferrel Bulls). 
This Bull was going to do anything to get out!!!

Look how far this bull is off the ground!!!

Wood chopping. The Guy furthest right is 82 years old!!! 

Me......not really, under 8's barrel racing.

under 8's steer ride!!! Whoops!!!!

Look at the size of that Bull.

This one was saying "Come on, who else wants a go"!!!

Eat some dirt Cowboy!!

Under 14's Breakaway roping. (They have to lasso the calf's head and then release the rope from the saddle).

Open saddle Bronco riding.

Bronco riding.

Hang on cowboy... the judge is watching.
(it's not just about staying on for 8 seconds, but the style you do it in).

What's this cowboy doing, kneeling on his horse??

Excellent ride by this cowboy!!

Now lets get this cowboy off!!
We also enjoyed the steer wrestling (where the cowboy jumps off his horse and has to get the steer to the ground).
The official opening was good, with lots of the competitors involved, the Mazda team relay race was fun and we had "The Roof top Express show", he did some good horsemanship and was very impressive, getting 3 bulls on top of his Caravan home!!
It was a fantastic day and would love to do it again!!!!