Tuesday 27 February 2018

Penny Farthing Race Day - Evandale, Tasmania.

This was a great day! The slowest race was very funny, as they kept falling off! The kids were amazing. We didn't realize how serious the racing was.
Lunch time Steve had Paella & a pint in the pub. A fun day.

A practise run.

Steve at the pub!

Warming up!

Weird & wonderful!
The kids were brilliant!

Look at this old fella in the Salem race.

Salem Race.

First corner was tricky with a few accidents.
This little one on a unicycle. 
Scary stuff.

The kids having a ball!

Thursday 22 February 2018

Lillico Rodeo, Leven Canyon & Mt Roland- Tasmania.

We leave Evandale in rain and strong winds, gusts up to 120k, we had to pull off the road as we could not see where we were going! It was very scary and we just went to the nearest caravan park at Longford.
We head to Forth to camp and have an afternoon out at the Lillico Rodeo, apart from the cold this was a great afternoon. A great competition, with falls, slips, trips and some real cowboys!!

Fast & furious Steer roping!

Hang on Cowboy! 

Oh yer!  

Extra points for style!

Ride it Cowboy!


Leven Canyon is Tasmania's deepest limestone gulch(narrow & steep sided ravine, marking the course of a fast stream), with challenging terrain.
This is a dramatic Canyon, with the river roaring & twisting 275m below. Cruickshank's lookout was our first look at this Canyon, absolutely amazing including the surrounding wilderness. We take the forest stairs (697) through a very pretty fern walk to the Edge Lookout. Spectacular views of the Canyon walls close up.  Onto the Canyon floor walk, which is full of smooth boulders and small waterfalls. 

The wilderness of Tasmania.

Steep sided ravine. 

The Leven River 275m below. 

Leven Canyon.

The floor walk. 

Smooth & rounded boulders & rock formation.

Steve on Leven River footbridge.

A stop off at Kaydale Lodge gardens for fresh homemade bread & jam - just yummi!

A few hours exploring Tasmazia, getting lost in a 8 different mazes, finding the middles eventually, I was sticking to Steve as I knew there was no hope for me if I lost Steve!  Exploring the Lower village of Crackpot, a whimsical model village! This was a fun, light hearted day.
We also went to "Nowhere else" Mmmmmmmm! A drive & lunch at Hell's gate dam.
Lake Barrington is well worth a look, a National rowing lake. 20k long. Used for rowing, skiing & canoeing competition's & run by the National Parks.

Devil's Gate Dam.

He's a big boy!

Old & very Aussie.

Steve at the Hobbit house!

Me at the dwarf house!

The Embassy of Great Britain.

The Embassy of France. 

A maze with Lower Crackpot in the distance.

Camping at Sheffield, we are constantly looking at the stunning Mt Roland (1233m). We decide to do the walk to the summit a 4-6 hour walk. The track follows a vehicle track for a few kilometres, lots of small creeks and waterfalls, very green ferns all around, lots of bird life, pademelons, wallabies and snakes. We saw a small snake on the way up and a 3m plus one on our return. A scramble the last 60m up some very large boulders to the trig point, gives 360 degree views of the surroundings, including Cradle Mountain, Barn Bluff, Bass Strait to Valentines Peak and the Dial Range.

Mt Roland (1233m)4045ft

Very scenic.

On top of the world.
The Trig point - Mt Roland.

Vast Views.

Me having lunch at the top.

Steve at the top. 


Us at the top of Mt Roland. 

Cradle Mountain in the distance.

Monday 12 February 2018

Ben Lomond National Park (Jacobs Ladder) - Tasmania.

Whow!! Ben Lomond, with its imposing & precipitous cliffs, rises above rural pastures & forestry land. Visible over much of the northern midlands, this alpine plateau is home to a wide variety of alpine plant communities & animals. In seasons of good snow fall the main focus is on downhill skiing in the state. It's highest point the summit Legges Tor (1572M) and is the second highest peak in Tasmania.
A beautiful & challenging drive (by Steve) reaches a plateau after a series of hairpin bends know as Jacobs ladder. The dramatic landscape of dolerite rock columns & scree slopes.

Dolerite rock Columns. 

The roads not very wide and there's a huge drop of my side!!  

Seriously look at Jacob's Ladder!


Incredible topography. 

It's best if you don't meet any other traffic. 

The Alpine Village. 

Views in the village.

Looks like a nice place to stay.

How cute. 


Steve at Tasmania's highest pub!! (Which was closed)  

Mmmmm did I tell you about the drop off?? 
On top of the World.

Looking up! 

Legges Tor (1572m)

Breath taking.

The Ute said.

EVANSDALE Historic Town.

This small town has a great atmosphere to it, with lots of history & stunning buildings.

Me trying to work out how to get on.

Beautiful pub closed on Mondays & Tuesdays! Guess when we were there. 

St Andrews Anglican Church. 

St Andrews United Church. Built 1871.
Very pretty.