Monday 30 April 2018

Tasmania to the Top End.

We leave Tasmania after an amazing five months. We had a very bad crossing and it took an extra 3 hours, as we had to slow down that much.  We head to Lotus and get some changes done on our van and Adelaide here we come for 5 short days. 

Cute sculpture.

I wish it was real!

Adelaide is done for this short trip and we made it to Tyler's 5th Birthday party, however after 15 mins Tyler broke his arm and poor little man had to spend all day and night in hospital.
Moving on again to Ramada Eco Beach Resort to work for 7 months, which is 120k South of Broome. 1200k driving a day, it was a long way!

Halfway across Australia.


The Big Galah at Kimba.

A lot of bush.

Nothing for miles. 
Just love the signs on the Nullarbor. 


Another great

Love it!

As far as the eye can see.
The dunnies were soooooo cute!

A great place for a cold beer. 

Now we know we are back in WA.

Scenic drive on the Great Northern Highway.

Still a lot of water on the road.

Plenty of water.

On the track from Barn Hill to Ramada Eco Beach resort.

Mmmmm will we be able to get our van in??

Looking good so far.

Chain saw is out, to trim a few bushes.

We are in Ramada Eco Beach Resort and we absolutely love the place!!
Our home & work place for the next seven months.

Flood water to Ocean.

Ramada Eco Beach Resort.

Paddling up the driveway.

Still on the drive way.

Yep still lots of water.

Pretty deep.
How cute is this little fellow.

The locals are friendly.

Stunning evening.

Our Beach.

Day off relaxing. 

A pretty special part of the world.


The colours of the rock/cliff.
