Tuesday 19 November 2019

Bamurru. NT. (17)

More pictures of beautiful Bamurru...............

Fire starter.

In 8 months, I did the rubbish once! lol  

Waiting for a free feed.

The food scraps, don't last long around here.


Steve got some gravel to fill the roadway, not enough so used some termite mounds.

Steve Crushing some termite mounds.

The lye of the land.


A little shade.

Home for the last couple of weeks. 

Me oiling the edges of the decking! It's a hard life!!


Agile Wallabies. 


The bird hide.

On our last day, we headed out to the coast by safari. Well we three laughed so much!!!

Very green and heaps of water out here.

Me, mud & mess.

We couldn't drive due to the mud, so walked.

Eventually the coast, the water is so far out you couldn't see it!

Steve was eaten alive by mossies, so tried mud on his legs before the return trip.

The Men. 

The Mangrove, Mossie tunnel.

The men waiting to see me fall in more mud!

Knee deep in mud & Mossies.

Thanks for the help???

A natural lake has appeared after some rain.

More water on the drive. Departure day. 

Bye Bye Beautiful Buffalo - We will miss you!

Farewell at Bamurru Gate. (Swim Creek station.)

Thanks Bamurru & Swim Creek station. Our 8 months have been totally amazing. This is an incredible part of the world. We worked hard, totally appreciated our surrounds, the wildlife was incredible! This is an ever changing land!

Bamurru. NT. (16)

More pictures of Bamurru & Swim Creek Station..........

We have had some rain on the drive.

Caleb talking to the animal's.

A hand reared Buffalo, who is very friendly.

Work being done on our jetty, Mary River.

Mindil Beach Casino, We stayed the night and had an end of season party. All you can eat for $26, the best bit was if you are over 50 it was only $15. The first discount we have ever had since being over 50!!!

Frill Neck Lizard.

Playing dead. 

Blue winged Kookaburra. 

Frill Neck Lizards everywhere today.

Instant grass after a little rain.

Fisher Billabong is very small now.

Caleb as a boy! 

A Female Bantang. 

Male & Female Bantang and a new baby. 

Is it flowers in the tree's - nope noisy Corellas! 

Hundreds of Corella's.

Steve & Caleb set up the new training airboat ready for 2020 season! lol.

Lots of Brumbies.

Brumby Foals.

Look at this stunning Brumby. 

Beautiful galloping Brumbies. 

A Stunning example of a male Bantang.

Since the rain, the termites are all building extensions to their homes.

Green every where. 

Excuse me, I am having a private bath!

Move over room for two in here!  

Cattle on the run.

Sooooo cute.

Hey up, wait for me mum. 

Cockie apples.

Caleb fighting off a Crocodile. 

Crocodile wrestling.

Caleb being a boy!

The Jumping Croc!

It's a bit scary! 

Steve taking the Croc on!

An old cattle truck.

Our generator to pump water from the bore.

Green, green and fresh.

The biggest Cane Toad sitting on a pile of Buffalo Poo.

The wild flowers are out, after a little rain.