Sunday 21 April 2019

Robin Falls. NT. (Week Off)

We work 14 days straight and then we get 7 days off. This is our first week off and Robin Falls and Adelaide River were our choices, for Easter weekend. The drive out of Bammurru was excellent, with wildlife everywhere.

Goanna sunning himself.

Another Goanna up a tree.

The big Croc at Humpty Doo.

Us free camping at Robin Falls.

Steve cooling off in the stream.

Robin Fall's.

Me making the final climb to Robin Fall's.

Robin Fall's.

Me in the plunge pool.

Cascading water.


Bamurru Plains Wilderness Lodge. (2). NT.

Steve had to fix one of the airboats, he had to take it for a long test ride, myself & Karen took the opportunity to experience this buzz. A lot of pictures, its just so tricky to choose.

The front of the lodge from the wetlands.

Buffalo all wet with mud from their wallow. 

Karen & Steve ready to go.

Cam and guests taking off.

We are following the guests and guide Cam.

Steve air boating.

Buffalo in the wetlands.

Lilly's & grass land.

Miles and miles of grass.

Stay on the track, if you can see it. 

Water in the Wetlands.

Hey watch out, Buffalo!


Stay between the tree's.



Karen & Steve.

The guest's and sunset.

Plenty of colours on the Plain's.

Wetland wonders.

Spectacular Sunset.

The airboat tour is amazing, its noisy, extremely smooth, the vastness we travelled and topography we saw was incredible. On our return there was 2 large salt water crocodiles waiting for us!!

Bamurru Plains Wilderness lodge (1). NT.

Here our some sample pictures from our resort this season. The wildlife is amazing and so far we are loving Bamurru.

Tawney Frog Mouth Owl. (Corroboree Tavern)

Buffalo at Corroboree Tavern.

Lick, lick, licking!

Our drive in to Bammurru Plains, is very pretty. it's a minimum of 1.5 hours from the bitumen road.
Apparently all the roads in are closed?

A little history & information about Bammurru Plains.
Bammurru Plains is located on Swim Creek Station, a 303 Sq. km coastal buffalo pastoral property near Point Stuart in the Mary River Region. This property encompasses a variety of habitat including vast river frontage, coastal flood plains, savannah woodland and paperbark swamps. The station has over 5000 buffalo, cattle, deer, brumbies, dingos, crocodiles, pigs and a huge variety of bird life.

A bit of water on the track.

More puddles.


If you look closely you can see the Buffalo out on the wetlands. 

Our fire pit.

The lodge dinner table.

The infinity pool looking out to the wetlands.

One of our vanity units.

A typical shower in our guests cabins.

Lovely landscapes.

The King fisher suite. 

Me in the pool on a cloudy day.


Bammurru Wilderness lodge, used to be a hunting lodge with three cabins. Now we have 10 cabins and luxury safari tours, airboat tours, quad bike tours, fishing tours and river cruises. It reminds us both so much of Africa.

An Agile Wallaby cleaning it's tail.

A blue winged Kookaburra (My favourite).

What are you looking at??

Steve in one of the old safari vehicle's, doing the bore run.

The evening sky at Bammurru.



King Fisher Lake. 

Staff getting to know our area.

Lots of water on the tracks.

This one would make a nice rug. 

Inside the Lodge.

Look at the horns on that.