Saturday 31 August 2019

Bamurru & area. N.T. (11)

More pictures of Bamurru and beyond...........

I went on a 4WD Safari with one of our guides Cam (The bird nerd).

Cam catching green ants for the guests to taste.

Look at this old girls horns!

Fisher Billabong. 

A sandbar Deer, which has come down from the Coburg Peninsular. (Sorry photo is poor quality).

Sunset from the infinity pool.


Our week off.
Finally we made it to Mistake Billabong, we have driven by it so many times, this time we stopped and it was definitely worth a look.

Mistake Billabong.

A Lotus flower.

Next we took a drive out to Fogg Dam, this was very pretty, they have a board walk and a Monsoon walk.

A freshi we saw cooling down.

The viewing platform at Fogg Dam. 

The drive along Fogg Dam.

We had heard good things about this place and we loved it.
We questioned if it was actually an Island and yes, as when they get a 7 metre tide the road is covered!

At Bynoe Harbour.

Steve at the bar in Breezes restaurant.

Me enjoying a beer, whilst in the back ground the beach is set up for a wedding.


A perfect wedding venue.

The new addition to our family.

Steve looking relaxed.

A nice spot.

A glorious morning.

Bynoe harbour & Crab Claw Beach.

Breezes restaurant.


Steve having a beer. 

The view from our camp.

Us on Dundee beach.

Next Camp Darwin River Tavern for a Rodeo......

Barrel Racing.

Barrel racing - not sure about the outfit.

Cow girl barrel racing. 

Only just stopped before the fence.

Steer wrestling.

Fast & Furious!

The Bikini Barrel racing contestants. We have only seen this in the NT!!!! 

Cowboy Steve. 

This was a feisty little bull.

Its all action in the gates.

Ride it cowboy! Saddle Bronco riding.

It was a great night of skill, spills & bogans. We had no sleep, but would not have missed it!

Next a refreshing dip in Berry springs, before the crowds arrive.....


Me in the top pool.

Looking down to the middle pool.

Steve relaxing.

Tuesday 27 August 2019


More pictures of our beautiful work place.......

Staff party at the bird hide.

Anna (Staff) arriving at the bird hide party.

The snakes come out at night! (Python)

The Turkey bush has been stunning flowering for about 6 weeks. 

There is still a lot of burning off.

Flames near the highway. 

Cloud!!! We had rain 2 nights - nothing much.

Staff day out, with 2 airboats to back ponds.

Cam the driver found a new part of the wetlands. Steve is on the airboat.  

Spectacular Scenery.  


A Jabiru in Flight.

Mum and two off springs, about 11 months apart.

Smoko! Cam, Steve, Sasha &Claire.

Justin, Karen & Caleb.

Sasha & Steve.

Run Faster.

Coping some spray.

Like a mill pond.

Another day and I went on a 4WD safari with Anna as our guide.

The guests on a quad tour- overtaking us.

Evening all....

Forest King Fisher, we saw 6 on this tour.

Two tawney Frog Mouth Owls.

Anna explaining how the indigenous weave pandanus into baskets.

Albino mum & calf.

Cockie Apple, the liquid tastes yummy.

Korongong tree (Kimberley Rose)

The vast plains.

Nothing to see here - Just a great expanse of land.

Selfie at sunset.

I know-more sunsets.

Sunset at Pandanus Point.

Inquisitive Cattle.

Whow- lots of steaks here.

Cattle, brumbies and Ban tang cattle.