Sunday 27 September 2020

Broome. WA. (Rodeo)

We are free to roam our stunning country, well we would be if it wasn't for Covid 19. The WA borders are still closed, so if we leave WA, it would be hard to get back in for a while. We decided to take our time and travel South and see what happens in the next few months. Just having couple of weeks in Broome to catch up on sleep, catch up with friends and relax.

Steve enjoying the freedom.

Colours of the rocks.

Coastal views.

Rocks & Ocean.

Stoney beach.

Colours of Broome.

Looking at Cable Beach.

Turtles all starting to check out their nesting sights.

Steve enjoying coffee in Broome high street. China Town.

Colours of Roebuck Bay.


If you know us a little, you would know we love rodeos, large and small they are all different. The Broome Rodeo was excellent, the quality of all the stock and competitors was incredible. The show kept moving, to keep all the crowd interested. 


Cowgirl taking part in the breakaway roping.

Rope it Cowboy!

Ready with the rope.


Beautiful horse.


A crash happening right here!

Hang tight Cowboy.

Out the shoot.

A proud Cowboy -he beat the clock.

All action.

Looking good.

Eating the dirt.

Oh yer!

Glued on

Maybe not!

Loving the ride.

Its all dust & dirt in the stalls.

Off with you.

Yer take that.....

Who knows which way the bulls will head?

Yer this cowboy has got this....



A fantastic night, 3 x girl bull riders (Only if only I was young again). Lots of thrills, spills and many injuries, although most competitors would be to proud to admit to injuries!

Saturday 26 September 2020

Eco Beach Resort (8). WA.

Time to move on from Eco Beach, the new General Manager has arrived and is taking the resort on and our opportunity to travel and enjoy life.....

Long table dinner.

Dale with the bubbles to get the party started.

Delish Fish for dinner.

Kim & Dale hosted the evening.

Wine maker introducing the wine.

Sunset at Eco Long Table.



Millie being silly.

Ana & Millie.

Tim & Gee. Chefs.

Sam number one chef with Steve.

Goodbye Eco its been a crazy ride 2020!