Thursday 17 October 2013

Mossman Mill 1.

Here we are still free camping at the Sugar Cane Mill.  Here is some more information. 
Last week one of the trucks hit some over head power lines 22000V...that's really not good!
This week....  Each truck has two drivers one on days & on the other on nights.  Steve was on truck 84, however his buddy rolled their truck coming down the range (Mt Molloy) last night!!  It all happens here.........

Truck 84 on it's side.
Truck 84.
A few hours later, the truck from the Tablelands which brings products to the Mossman Mill, was at the back of the mill and because of the camber and being wet, slipped off the road!!!!
Crush figures for week 17.
 Mossman mill crushed 22,785 tonnes this was on a 4 day week, due to the public holiday.  The factory has now produced 468,894 tonnes for the season so far.  Mossman mill is very interesting as tourist can drive around the mill grounds, in between the trucks & trains and no1 bat's an eyelid.  There are do gooders, who do not want the trucks up the range picking up the sugar Cane, they follow the trucks up & down the steep descent's just in case they cross a white line and take a picture!!
As the wet season is upon us, we have gone all out and spend $20 on a new tarp for over the kitchen, as we didn't bring the awning this time!!
The mill breaks down frequently. Sometime when it starts up again it covers the valley in smoke!! Do not fear as when the mill finishes the season this year, it is to under go a massive upgrade to the factory.  Contracts have been awarded for the $4.4 million capital works. 
I had the day off today, so took a walk around our garden......
Jack Fruit.
Ginger Plant.
A pretty pink flower.
A pretty red flower.
A Macadamia tree.
A Macadamia nut of the tree. (Which comes in a shell, like a conker shell).
Paw Paw tree.
A Pepper bush.
We have about 6 Banana tree's,with fruit on them!!
Palm Trees.
A pretty bush.

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