Tuesday 24 December 2013

Balley Hooley Train (Port Douglas).& Python.

Balley Hooley was the name given to the end of the line up Mowbray Valley, over one hundred years ago.  Balley Hooley is the given name to the historic little steam train which operates from Marina Mirage station.  It is historic because the two coal fired steam locomotives (Speedy & Bundy) that haul the trains are over 55 years old, being the very last locomotives that hauled the sugar cane from Mossman Mill before switching to diesel engines.  The track is over 100 years old.
The trip takes about an hour, leaving from the Mirage Marina passing through mangrove areas, the Sheraton Country Club, a couple more resorts to the station of St Crispins, which is adjacent the 12th tee of the Mirage Golf Club.
Our locomotive was "Bundy". We also managed to get on the Christmas special.

Steve waiting for the train.
Here comes "Bundy".
Apparently Santa was a bit warm!!
Off we go by the Marina.
Passed a resort.

We reach the end of the line.
The end of the line.
Turning Bundy round on the turn table.
Bundy moving into position.
Bundy going to hook up the carriages.
The two of us!!
Just pretty.
Coming back into the Marina.
Steve back at the Marina.
This is a Sugar cane harvester.
It looks scary!!
The Snake story.
Now some of you will have seen the story on face book, but others have not.
Steve has done a 12 hour day driving sugar Cane trucks, is tired & hungry, it's dark. So he goes to the shower block with just his towel round him & his wash bag.  Steve walks straight into the shower cubicle, takes his towel of, turns round to hang the towel on the back of the door, when he see's "Peter" (that's what I call him, Peter Python), on top of the door. Steve is unsure of what to do, as "Peter" is coiled like he was going to strike (obviously upset about sharing the shower).  Steve has no phone & no one else is around, they watch each other for 5 minutes, Steve decides to drawer the shower curtain,  he decides this is a bad idea as now cannot see Peter. Steve decides to splash water on Peter to move him along and this worked.  Steve decided he needs to look before entering shower or toilet in future. Peter was about two metres long & took his phone back to get pictures.  Peter Python was seen several times in the shower block, after the first surprise visit!!! Steve was very Thankful it was only a Python!!!

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