Friday 29 March 2013

Thevenard Island 3 - Fishing!!!

Here we are Good Friday and it is, the day of the staff Fishing Charter - 7 on board,
Andrew (Skipper), Ryan (Deck Hand), Art (Island Manager) The Germans, Steve and Brooke (Housekeeper) and Brooke had the BIGGEST CATCH OF THE DAY!!!

                                                         Steve & his Shark Mackerel.

                                                    Brooke and her Spanish Mackerel.

                                                              Steve and his Queenie.

               Andrew only managed to get the head of a Queen fish, the Sharks got the rest!!

                                                              Just a little Shark.

A great day was had by all and many a fish were caught, but many more fish were lost to sharks!!!!
While the gang were out fishing, Jade and I headed down to the end of the Island. Watching Ospreys, baby Reef Sharks, various types of crabs and then a very large Shark, about 6 foot, very close in to shore......

Thevenard Island 2.

A walk on the beaches, collecting shells......

                                                       Steve - Thevenard Island.

                                We think we can hear the Ocean at Southport Beach from here!!

                                                         The beach goes on & on!!!!

                                                 I think I could nearly fit in this shell!!

Ashburton Resort 3. Onslow.WA.

Just a few photos from our time at the Ashburton Resort as relief Managers. The Ashburton has just entered phase 3 of the building project, so old motels units being removed, preparing for new apartments. Also down at our Beadon Creek yard, a new pontoon.

                                                           New pontoon going in.

                                                               New pontoon is in.

                           The old unit jacked up, ready to go on the big truck!!

                                                        Look at the size of that truck.

                                                      The conveyor belt loaded with salt.

                                       The salt ship being loaded at the end of the conveyor.

                                                        An Air boat around Onslow.

Thevenard Island. Mackeral Islands.WA.1.

Well, we had 3 busy weeks, looking after the Ashburton Resort and on Monday, we left Onslow and headed out to Thevenard Island, Which is 22 klm's from Onslow.
The present managers (Jade & Art) off Thevenard have really been looking after us. We have a lovely 2 bed roomed house, looking over the Ocean. We can see the Salt Works in Onslow and now and again catch a glimpse of Direction Island.
We spend our days, wondering the sandy shores, looking for big shells and sea life.
All meals are done by precision catering and the food is outstanding. We think we will need a barge to get us off the Island!!!

                                                  Steve watching the plumbers leave.

                                                                Our holiday home.

                                                  The beach, Jetty & Chevron boat.

                                               Steve found some big cushions to sit on.

                                                                   Me in the pool.

                                           Un - loading the boat from shopping in Onslow.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Onslow 2. WA.

We have had a busy first week managing the Ashburton Resort. The temperatures are in the high 30's and very humid. Steve has been working out side, so works up a sweat very quickly and then has to find a way of cooling down!!! It does seem strange living in a house again and this afternoon I even found a novelty item that apparently straightens clothes!!!

                    Saturday afternoon off, so we went for a ride around town etc in the truck!!

                     Steve seemed to spend a long time, deciding the best way to clean the pool?

                                                          Yes, still cleaning the pool?

                                                The novelty item for straightening clothes.

Thursday 7 March 2013

The Ashburton Resort 1 - Onslow

Here we are in Onslow (WA) once again. The weather is the same as every day 38 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. We arrived on Sunday and have had several busy days, getting to grips with running the resort, we have to say it is a lovely resort.
So below are a couple of pictures and we will try and get more, so you all know we are working hard.

                                                   Steve hard at work, testing the pool.

                                                 Steve has been working on the truck.