Friday 29 March 2013

Thevenard Island 3 - Fishing!!!

Here we are Good Friday and it is, the day of the staff Fishing Charter - 7 on board,
Andrew (Skipper), Ryan (Deck Hand), Art (Island Manager) The Germans, Steve and Brooke (Housekeeper) and Brooke had the BIGGEST CATCH OF THE DAY!!!

                                                         Steve & his Shark Mackerel.

                                                    Brooke and her Spanish Mackerel.

                                                              Steve and his Queenie.

               Andrew only managed to get the head of a Queen fish, the Sharks got the rest!!

                                                              Just a little Shark.

A great day was had by all and many a fish were caught, but many more fish were lost to sharks!!!!
While the gang were out fishing, Jade and I headed down to the end of the Island. Watching Ospreys, baby Reef Sharks, various types of crabs and then a very large Shark, about 6 foot, very close in to shore......

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