Thursday 9 October 2014

UK Trip part 1.(Twin Lakes, Matlock,Newmarket).

So we headed off to the UK on the 29th July and returned 14th September 2014.  We actually set the stop watch to see how long this trip takes and door to door it took 48 hours going and 44 hours on the return leg.  Once in the UK we had a great time with friends and family, however the UK is definitely not for us and when we arrived back onto Australia soil it was such and a relief and this amazing country is truly our home!!
So we had some great days out to Ruddington Park, Twin Lakes was amazing- they have many animals, all sorts of rides and they have massive ball pits and play areas, the best thing is they have a huge section for adults to  play in!! It was a great day and well worth every penny.
We also went to Matlock, Matlock Bath and Bakewell and yes we did eat Bakewell tart!!

Grandchildren- Isla, Charlie, Mitchell, Preston & Logan.


Amy (Poppy), Sam, Liz, Steve & Lily.



Lily's 1st Birthday.

Mitchell & kierran.  (Twin Lakes)

Lexie & Me.  (Twin Lakes)

Mitchell & Logan.

Logan having a dance on the stage at Twin Lakes.

Liz, Steve, kierran & I at Twin Lakes.

Logan, Mitchell & Preston at Twin Lakes.
We also had a day out to Conkers and a fantastic day out at Newmarket, visiting the stables, watching the horses on the gallops and then an afternoon at the races.
Sam & Charlie doing the bare foot walk at Conkers.

Logan doing the bare foot walk at Conkers.

Lily watching the train at Conkers.

Mitchell doing what kids should do!!!
Steve & Sam doing what big kids do- Conkers.

Patrick, Me (Stamp of Approval) & John. Newmarket.

Jane with Pats horse, Stamp of approval.

Some horses working out on the gallops.

Jane & Steve at the races.

Steve with his winner.

Thatched roof with the racing horses- Newmarket Race Course.

The Parade Ring- Newmarket.


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