Tuesday 15 August 2017

Bakewell, Matlock & Sherwood Forest (UK).

Firstly off to Bakewell (Home of the famous Bakewell Tart) for Sunday Lunch at, The Manor's pub, highly recommended. Next off to Bakewell for a wander around the park, a tiny train ride and a go on the boating lake. Ice cream. A lovely day.


Sam & Steve.

Lily, Poppy, Amy & Sam.

Me & Lily.

The River in Bakewell.


Sunday Lunch- Yummi!!

Lily, Poppy & Grandad.

The Steam train.

Lily dancing to the band.

Sam, Amy & Poppy on the boating lake.

The boating Lake.

Grandad, Lily & grannie Dee.

Me, Poppy & Lily on the train.

The four of us on the train.

Delightful little girls and Grandad.

Sam & Amy waiting for the train to come in.

The Engine! lol

Another day visit, to the legendary home of Robin Hood, Sherwood Forest. Local lore tells of the merry men who used the hollow trunk, of the major oak to hide from the Sheriff of Nottingham.
The major oak is estimated at over a thousand year's old. Around 900 of the oak trees are some of the oldest in Europe,  Sherwood forest is also home to 1500 species of beetles and over 200 spiders.
A lot of walking, hiding and a picnic lunch.

Robin Hood Statue.

Preston in the stocks.

Very green ferns.

A little house.

Another house.

A wood carving.

The Major Oak tree.

More houses,

Poppy found a shade.

A toad stool.


An old bottle.

Fungus on a tree.

Grandad, Isla, Lily &Poppy hiding.

Looking up in the hollow of a tree.

One of many walking paths.

See the face?


The Heather.

The Merry men.

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