Monday 12 March 2018

Waratah - Tasmania

We leave Port Sorell behind and head to Waratah, another long drive (lol) nearly 2 hours. We set up camp by the lake for 2 nights. We visit The wood cutters display on at the church, the museum, the water wheel, the old bridge, the valley, the old post office, Waratah waterfall & the Bischoff hotel. The weather has changed at present, it is very cold & wet. Still we have had a glorious weather all summer, so cannot complain.
On December 4th 1871, James 'Philosopher' Smith discovered Mount Bischoff tin deposit, later to become the richest tin mine in the world at the time.

The Church with the wood cutters display.

An old cart.

Philosophers Smiths hut.

Waratah Valley.

Waratah Lake with Platypus. 

Waratah Waterfall.

Wonderful Vista.


Historic Water Tunnel.

Our drive into Philosophers Fall's.

Covered in Moss.

Aurantiporus Pulcherrimus.

The path to the fall's.

Postia Pelliculosa

The stream on the way to the fall's.


Steve by the green rock wall.

Running water all around us.

A type of Fungi. 

Philosopher Falls.

Mist in the valley.

Steve heading up the steps.

Flame Fungi.

Dennenslijmkop Fungi.

Turkey Tail.

Polyporus Melanopus.

Trametes Versicolor. (Turkey Tail)

Perenniporia Ochroleuca.


Turkey Tail.

So smooth & clean.

Fan Fungi.

The Tarkine Wilderness.

Even on a cloudy day.

Spectacular Scenery.  

Trees & Mountains.

Amazing topography. 

Mountains & Clouds.

Talins Dam.

Savage River. 

Love it.

Cute as.

It looks abandoned!

Our home.

A must have if visiting Tasmania.

Port Sorell - Tasmania.

We are heading to Karen & John's block in Port Sorell for the long weekend. They are Lotus family and SOOoooooooo much more! We had an amazing weekend, with no agenda, yet achieved so much & had so much fun! We spend the first afternoon, checking out the beach & taking a stroll around the area. There is also a great caravan park here for those that don't have Tasmania friends.

On Saturday we arrange to meet up with Robyn & Ed (Lotus friends) as well. Firstly Karen, John, Steve and I stop off at Ghost Rock winery and do a sample tasting.

Gunn's Plains.

Rainbow in the water irrigation. 

Gunn's Plain's.

John & Karen ready for wine tasting.

Next we head to The House of Anvers - a chocolate factory, where we were able to watch the chocolate & Easter eggs being made, of course we did a tasting, (well a bit more than tasting)!
We meant Robyn & Ed here and the six of us had a delicious lunch, before a bit more chocolate tasting.

La Villa Wines at Spreyton, where you can ring the bells!

Fruit tree's that come from John's & Karen's.

These were some big pairs!

Me inside La Villa Wines. 

Steve, Karen, Robyn & John wine tasting, while Ed & I relaxed.

Carrying on we went to Spreyton Cider, where Steve did a tasting for $12, and anyone else that wanted to try, had a sip. 

Gunn's Plains.

The next winery was Prickly Mo's, a very interesting, fashionable winery (An old shed). This was very busy and the atmosphere was great, for more wine sampling.

Following on from this the six of us drove out to Gunn's Plain's.  This was a spectacular vista from the lookout. (Pictures above.)
It was sad that we left Robyn & Ed at Ulverston, where  they had to catch the Spirit of Tasmania the next morning. We also checked out a VW convention.

Panatana Rivulet.

Port Sorell to Penguin Island.

Serene day for a sail.

Walking out to Penguin Island at low tide.

Extremely calm.

Rocks, water, sand, bush & Hill's.

All the crabs running off, as we scared them.

How cute.

Penguin Island Rocks. 

Penguin Island.

Penguin Island.

It was sad our weekend had to end, as Karen & John were amazing host's, we also played darts, disc bowls, had a fish & chip super, went to the Shearwater pub/resort for desert & live music. Had a log fire in the Chardy shack at night!!! However we still have a few places we would like to see in Tasmania before we leave.