Wednesday 11 July 2018

Ramada Eco Beach Resort, WA. (3).

We have had a great success, since our last post, where 4WD vehicles could  drive down our drive. NOW the drive has been pumped dry and all vehicles can enter and drive in for lunch or to stay!!
We had our first fuel truck in 2 days ago18000ltr, last Thursday our food truck made its first delivery to our kitchen. The resort has really picked up pace now, "Jack's restaurant" is busy all day, day trippers and guests.
We have been extremely busy, however today we managed to do a tourist flight on the chopper, marvellous it was to!!

We are finally able to drive out our driveway. 

The bird's still enjoying the water. 

Me having a lunch date with Steve at The Mangrove.

Steve relaxing after doing his bobcat course.

The view from the Mangrove


Waiting on lunch.

Crazy birds.

A very large stick insect.

Ross catching a snake, that Steve nearly stepped on.

Got it!

A different day a different Snake!

Trying to get Steve on the bobcat. 

Steve on the bobcat.

Steve & I in the chopper.

Our Pilot (Hillary) Sarah, Me and Steve.

Only a little water left near our drive now.

Our coast line.

Ramada Eco Beach Resort. 

Steve, our pilot & Steve.

Our chopper.

Our resort and bay.

Stunning colours.


The topography is amazing!  


The vista is pretty good from up here.

A good selfie.

Nice where the water run off's have been. 

A very special part of the world. 

coming in to land.

It is our peak time at the moment, so we are very busy. However our day off and we went to Barn Hill, to pick up our mail today and had coffee & cake!
Dinner at our restaurant tonight! (Jack's Bar).

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