Friday 11 October 2019

Bali. Indonisia.

Week off and we got such a cheap deal from Darwin to Bali. We had to go. I had been 25 years ago and Steve had never been. Here we go.........

We can just see the Ocean from our Balcony.

Bintang Beer!

Millions of scooters everywhere.

Sanur Beach.

Crocodile gates.

Fishing Boats.

Every day is market day here and they all seem to sell the same things!

Cocktail time.

Oh- another cocktail.


Steve at a very nice restaurant.

Next up a full day trip to Nusa Penida.......

chaos on the beach as everyone heads to their boats!

This boat is stuck as the tide is still out - we laughed so much!

We leave behind Sanur & Inna Bali Beach resort. (The oldest hotel on the Island).

Upon arrival at Nusa Penida, we hired a driver and car for the day which cost about $60.

Kelingking Beach.

Us at Kelingking Beach.

Steve living life on the edge.

Temple gates.

Us at Angel Billabong.

Angel Billabong.

Steve at Angel Billabong.

Broken Beach, amazing colours.

                                                        The Archway at Broken Beach.

Steve, Arch & Ocean.

Very Picturesque.


That's a straight drop down - crazy man!

The kids on their scooter heading home from school.

Petrol pump.

Crystal Bay.

Crystal Bay.

Natural doorway at Crystal Bay.

Steve soaking up the atmosphere or was he soaking up the Bintang??

Family time at the beach.

Me in our hotel Lobby. The first five star hotel to be build in Bali in 1966. The Inna Bali Beach Resort.

A full day trip around Bali............

First stop was to see a show/ dance - The Barong & Krisdance.

The Lion.

The Lion & The Monkey. 

Two dancers representing servants.

Sometimes it was all a bit strange!

Next stop at Legong - Fine art of Batik.

Here everything is handmade, they copy the design onto the material by hand, they cover the design by wax on both sides, fill the designs with ornaments & dots, they then dye and add colour. It's a very long process. Traditional colours are blue, brown & light yellow.


The posh shop.

In the Temple's you have to have your knees covered -hence why we are wearing hired Sarongs.

Steve at a large temple.

Steve in his sarong.

The detail is amazing.

All built by hand. 

Inside detail.

The secret doors.

Me in my sarong.

Part of the Temple.

This man is weaving the baskets, that the locals offer to the God's.

This is a traditional village and was so clean! 

The main street in Penglipuran. 

Main street Penglipuran.

Such vibrant greens.

The doorway to a traditional home, where often several family's live. 

Who lives in a house like this?

This lady!

Temple is at the high end of the street.

A shop in every home.

A family home.

Back on the road again.......

Rolls of roofing in transit!

Mount Agung which last erupted 1963. It was the largest and most disruptive in Indonesian history.

Lunch on the edge of the world- well that's what it felt like! 

Steve enjoy this stunning topography & the Bintang! 

where the Lava stopped, there is a house just this side on safe ground.   

Lush green with a huge Lake close by.

Back on the road, much time was spend sitting in traffic.....

One of many fruit stalls up in the mountains.

Fetching fodder for the cattle.

Rice fields.

Tiered rice fields. 

How Bali should be.

Kopi (coffee). The cat eats the bean and coffee is then made- nice! 

This picture is actually about the lamp shades (Not the scooter). I loved all the hand made wicker shades.

A statue of a God. 

Look close- It's The Egg Man!

Another interesting statue. 

Bali traffic.

Steve waiting for dinner.


Squirrels galore.

Our view for the day.

Sanur Beach.

Steve in the Indian Ocean.

Dinner at Sands resort and they had this traditional dance on. The girls were so young, yet what they could do with their eyes and hands was mind blowing.

Age approximately 10.

Colourful Costumes.

Weird & wonderful.

Us with the traditional dance troop. 

The dance troop. I hope Bali never loose this tradition, as for me this was one of the highlights. 

Crepes for supper on our way home.

A day by the pool- just relaxing.

A bit chilly at night for me! 

We loved this Bamboo restaurant.


We had a great time in Bali and feel we saw a lot of the original/traditional Bali.

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