Saturday 30 May 2020

Eco Beach Resort (4). During Covid 19 shutdown. WA.

More pictures of our time during isolation.........

I've done a lot of weeding & planting.

Not sure what these are but they are set and in with a chance? lol 

As every sunset is amazing, we decided to try from the guests view, we will never get around all the villas & Eco tents, however we will try!

Cocktails @ Beach House 27. 


Sunset @ BH 27.

Villa 19.

Sunset at Villa 19.

Sunset drinks.

Dee & Steve

Steve & I.

Getting my hair done by Dee

Sunday is Brunch Club.

My scarecrow is sagging. 

Me in the Restaurant.

Fire & Sunset.

Infinity pool.


Sunset from the Ocean Pavilion 

Outdoor entertaining. 

The resort of an evening.

A cute little stick insect.

Storms are brewing.

That's a lot to sort out when left alone at the resort & the power goes off. 

So cute.

Banded Wallaby.

Yes we had over 100ml of rain in the night.

This is the track (driveway 13km) after the rain. The boys on the town run.

This is how we spend Friday night..........

The Coast to Barn Hill. 

The Polaris our chosen mode of transport for tonight.

Steve & Dee

A very calm sunset with lots of cloud.


Very tranquil. 

The colours just keep giving....

The boys about to start cooking the BBQ dinner.

Dee enjoying his Friday....


Entrée is on!

Dee dunkin the corn on the cob.


In the garden.

One of our information boards.

Saturday walk about..........

Anybody out there?

Wild Flowers.

Looking back at the camp from the throne.

Blossom and pods.

The Pond.

A pile of eggs.

Fresh eggs anyone?

Steve playing with his bucket & spade.

Fixing up the ramp after heavy rain.  

Here he go's- playtime over.

Me in self Isolation.