Monday 11 May 2020

Eco Beach Resort (2) during C19 shut down. WA.

Pictures from different days.........

Light white Lilly's

Pink & White Lilly's in our pond.

A Black headed Python has taken up residence in the staff quarters.

Percy the Python.

We did a night walk and saw very little......

Two little birds cuddled up a sleep in the bush.

Big Dee cooking us a BBQ on the deck of Jacks Bar.

Steve enjoying a beer.

Sunday Brunch cooked by Big Dee.

The boy's pouring the drinks for mud & bubbles.


Bubbles, Beach & Bliss!

Steve enjoying his day off!

We all had the day off and headed to Broome for supplies....

Big Dee & Steve in the Bus.

My first ever trip in the bus! 

We saw lots of cattle. 

Heading back with a full load.

Supplies stacked on the return. Lots of seedlings for the garden.


Clearing the garden in preparation for the seedlings.

Garden Beds.

Garden Beds.

Steve's mode of transport.

I made a new scare crow on my day off.

Me and my new bestie! Isolation!!

Look at this brown snake. 

Hanging out near reception.(See his head).

He didn't like us hanging around.(King Brown).

A Boab tree.

A stick insect which was larger than my foot, and had beautiful purple under his/her wings.

Our camp during Covid 19 - lockdown.

Afternoon Tea.



Sunset at Eco Beach.


Saturday night grazing Board.

Me on fire with the moon in my hand.

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