Thursday 28 January 2021

Life on the Farm(s). Glazier Rock, Goolwa - South Australia.

We house sat on a hobby farm down at Yankalilla for Helen & Keith, which was a big responsibility that we enjoyed.

Steve taking the twins in to feed separately. (Yank Farm)

Steve having a bit of trouble from Willy (Sheep).(Yank Farm)

Grubs up. (Yank Farm)

Let me in, let me in! (Yank Farm)

Blake & Willy feeding.(Yank Farm)

William on the bridge, so cute. (Yank Farm)

Family Christmas at the Brice Farm.

I think all the adults had as much fun as the little people!

Cherry Farm.

Nothing like Fresh Cherries at Christmas.

Glacial Rock -Inman Valley.

Delicate wild flowers.

Looking down to Inman Valley.

Steve at Belicious Café - Beautiful.

Glazier Rock.


The Steam Train in action.

Loop the loops by Bi- planes.


Maluridae male superb Fairy Wren.

Gleaming velvety blue and black plumage.

Colours of the sunset.



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