Friday 26 February 2021

Brice Farm 5 - South Australia.

Time to get the sheep in, as some Rams are moving on....

Sheep & Sunset.

Hey what's going on??

The last rays of light.


Excuse me, do you have any bread for me?

Another busy day at the farm........

Ryder collecting the eggs.

Poppy & Ryder playing on the cattle ramps.

6 Rams and one weaner.

Paul & Ryder.

Off to Yankalilla they go!

The boys in the pens.

Handsome boys - Tyler & Ryder.

Paul, Tyler & Ryder.


Ryder chain sawing the tree.

The Rams are in the trailer and Ryder is saying goodbye.

Wheel barrow racing up the ramp.

Keith, Caleb & Denver nearly have the Rams in.

Keith, Denver & Caleb rounding up the Rams.

Paul stroking the Blue Tongue Lizard, that Grandma found.

I have to say Paul Senior does most of the work getting animals in, he quietly brings them in and sorts them all, whilst we are still in bed!!

Brice Farm 4 - South Australia.

What an amazing time we have had on the Brice farm, there is always something happening.
We have truly loved being up here on the hill and the company has been very special.

We popped to the chicken shop in Yankalilla.............

Paul choose four little bantems @ $35 a time. 

Back to buy more chickens.

Pauline liked the two grey chickens at $45 each.

At the chicken shop! lol

Boxing Kangaroos.

Fight, Fight, Fight!

The dry grass with  a golden glow.

Stunning Sunsets up here.

Ryder totally gorgeous.

Ryder & Tyler came over to see Poppy & Grandma's new chickens.


The boys checking out the new chickens.

The old chickens who are not keen on the new arrivals.

Its Tuesday, another trip to the cattle market at Mount Compass is in order.

The first one is in the shoot.

In the trailer number one, four more to go...

What are you doing with my baby?

Mum's not happy!

Chasing us!

This mum chased us all the way to the gate.

Pretty scared, not sure what's going on.

Market day was a bit crazy, very different from last week. All the cattle were unhappy and running around, very frisky! We took 3 heifers and 2 steer. Total weight this week was 1395kg. The price is still pretty good!

Sunday up at the farm is family day!

Nia, Lee, Angel & I take a walk around Myponga reservoir.

Lee & Angel disappearing in the distance.

Angel & Nia.


A lush green baby fern tree.

Tall shady trees.

A track to the water.

Steve with our new edition to the family. A Landcruiser 200 V8.

The full moon resting in a tree.

Full Moon.

The after sun glow.

The night sky.