Thursday 11 February 2021

Brice Farm 3- Cattle Market Day - South Australia.

Paul & Pauline are up early to separate some Cattle ready for the Mount Compass market.
The Cattle Market at Mount Compass is Prostock - Sourthern Livestock Exchange

Milling around, not sure what is happening.

Action on the farm, heading to the cattle yards.

The Farmhands (P & P) have documents to complete and ear tags to put in.

Tags & Ear piercer.

I don't know what's going on but I don't like it!!

Paul trying to get one Heifer in the shoot.

White face always the inquisitive one is first up.

Waiting for her ear to be tagged.

All over and straight into the trailer.

Why is it us four???

Paul & Steve shutting the trailer, lucky they didn't get shit on their heads! As Pauline & I would have cried with laughter!!!

All in!

Ear tagging in process.

Pauline has the tagger ready to go.

Off we go to Market.

The farewell party followed for a short distance, but soon gave up.

The heifers enjoying the change of scenery, on the road.

Steve ready to shut the gates, when unloaded at the market.

The total weight for the four heifers was 1290kg, we all guessed and were all low, Steve 800kg, Dee 880kg, Pauline 900kg however Paul was the closest with 1050kg.
When you sell animals at the market, its not easy money. Of course there is commission, Government Levy, LDAP, yard fee, GST and you may have to pay for an ear tag. The approximate price works out to $4.37 per kilo. Seems harsh compared to what we pay at the supermarkets. 
Maybe we can sell some more next week???

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