Wednesday 7 July 2021

Wullo River Station 19 - NT.

We had another buyer come to select some cattle, these were older cows & pregnant. They are going fairly local to the Katherine area. The farmer will make his money back if half the cows calf. We sold 120.

Two trailers. Each trailer has 2 decks. Each trailer carries 40 cattle. 

The Billowing of dust - signifies Road train.

A road train (3 trailers) cannot get up our ranges & into our yards. The single truck at the front is ours, our driver meets the road train and brings in a single trailer. When departing the same in reverse to the end of the drive way.

The rush is on.

Its mad in the yards.

Yarning in the yards.

Safe travel girl's.

The Cow's are loaded.

The deal is done.

The ringers had a few problems with this one.

Daniel getting a push up the back side!

Station Manager having to use the stock whip.

Un-cooperative cattle.

Stock whip doesn't always work.

Upper deck full.

Crazy cow's.

Truck driver re-counting.

Station Manager counting.

Running through the race.

Heading up the race.

NILS tag reader.

Steve resting on the rail's.

I loved this one's face.


Crazy again!

Our rostered days off, so after helping load the cattle, we head out to the Eco Huts, to camp for the evening.

Lake Lesley.

Steve has stripped one of the eco huts.

Pretty cool spot to camp.

Colours on sunset.

Light on Lake Lesley.

Sunset on the ridge.

Can you see the short eared Rock Wallaby?

Short Eared Rock Wallaby.



Steve & I went to test his ute & have a drink at Bullo River & Dingo Creek.

The Bullo River.

A great place to catch Barra.

Very calm.

Steve at Dingo Creek.

A baby Croc on a Rock.

Croc having a swim.

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