Tuesday 21 December 2021

Bullo River Station to the Brice Farm.

Now we leave Bullo behind for this season and head to the Brice Farm to catch up with family & friends ...........

The driveway was wet!

Giving Ainslee a lift to Katherine to collect her new ute.

Ainslee washing her new ute.

Steve getting the mud off.

Storms surrounding us.

Large branches down.

Black - the wet begins.

With the wet comes the storms, lighting strikes that cause fires.

Back on the Brice farm in South Australia.

Quality Bull.

Cold yet stunning, home for a few months.

Fresh, yet so green.


The chase is on Myponga Reservoir. 

A quick trip to the brewery.


Steve at smiling Samoyed.

Pauline & Paul, with their milk shakes a day trip to Handorf.

A Bullo baby (Thanks Ainslee)

The sheep milling around.

We took some cattle to market.

Let us out.

Going in to the Mount Compass Market. We also went to the auction on the Friday, where the cattle were making excellent prices.

Bringing in the Hay.

Steve driving the truck loaded with Hay.

Pauline checking the loading is done probably.

Steve helping with the tie down.

Loading the truck.

Pauline, Lee, Angel & Graham having a yarn.

Paul & Steve putting the world to right.

Angel driving the truck.

Steve & Paul checking the load.

Paul, Lee & Pauline.

Husband & wife team tightening the straps.

Angel stacking the hay.

The cows wanting to taste the hay.

Stunning Moana Beach.

Sunset on the farm.

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