Tuesday 29 January 2013

Cape Arid National Park.

Before we get to the Nullarbor, we will just do one last bit of 4 wheel driving, only about 350klm. Off we go a long a narrow track with a lot of very deep sand, our tyres are down and we are going well, until we meet other travellers on the track and we have to get up off the track to let them through, oh my word I thought the trailer was going to roll, Steve managed to keep it up right!!!

                                                  Getting the trailer back on the track.

We continue a long the track towards Dynamite bay. We hit some deep sand and had to let the tyres down even further as we got stuck, not for long!! Next it was on to Israelite Bay, where we hoped to camp, unfortunately it was not very nice so on we go.

                                                Israelite Bay - Cape Arid National Park.

                                                    The old homestead - Israelite Bay.

                                                     The salt lakes go on for ever.

                                                Mount Jagged with heavy cloud cover.

Oh yes we nearly had another accident on the track, there was a short, deep sandy patch on a blind bend, we needed to get speed up to get up it with the trailer on and a big ute was speeding down and we both stopped about 3 inches apart!!! It was close!!!!

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