Tuesday 29 January 2013

Mt Jagged - Cape Arid National Park.

Once we left Israelite Bay behind us and took the narrow, hilly track towards Mt Jagged, we saw no other traffic, in fact the track we were on didn't look like any body had been on it for a very long time!!! The road is very rocky and at best we travel at 20klm. The topography is stunning.
Once we arrive at Mt jagged, we find 3 campsites and set up camp for the night We also discover the back of the ute has dropped a lot and our stone stomper now has a massive hole in the middle. Steve checked out the ute and thinks it's the springs gone. We also have a swarm of bee's to contend with here.  This place is stunning and at night we can see lighting storms all around us and hear the thunder. We also realise that if we get rain we won't be moving any where for a while!! It feels like we are the only people on this planet- just the way we like it!
Next day up and on the track early as we know we have a full day of hard driving in front of us.

                                                            A good part of the track.

                                           Steve near a billabong and two unmarked graves.

                                           Look at how the water has worn away at the rock.

                                                 Steve with his dirty ute & camper.

                                                            Bull dust everywhere!!!!!

                                                     A Lizard making a run for it.

So we eventually made it out of Cape Arid National Park!!! Next we move to the Nullarbor and everything is completely covered in bull dust now.

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