Tuesday 1 April 2014

Barron Falls in the Wet Season.

Our neighbour Andy came up to visit his sister in law and we managed to have a couple of days out.
We went to Barron Falls in the wet and did some very short walks through Kuranda & surrounding area.

Dragon Fruit, a type of Cactus.  Loves lots of sunshine & rain.

A very pretty fruit, however is very bland.

Lots of roo's heading towards Cairns.

Barron Falls.

Barron Falls flowing.

Steve & Andy.

Barron Falls in the wet.

Me at Barron Falls.

Andy & I at Barron Falls.

Barron Falls.

A giant creeper.

Flying foxes. (Look at the one on the outside).

Shoes off to cross the river.

A giant fern basket.

A very muddy river.

The smallest frog in the world.

King Fisher.

A tropical fruit Andy & Steve tried. Steve said it was disgusting and very bitter!!
Oh yes and where the river was over the walking path, I hitched a ride, so only Steve had to take his shoes off!!

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