Tuesday 1 April 2014

Mareeba Wetlands & Mossman Gorge in the wet.

Day two, with Andy and we head up the range towards Mareeba wetlands. A lot of birds were seen today.

Me at the wetlands. 

A framed Finch.

A lake on the way to Mareeba.

Gouldian Finch being breed for release in to the wild.
Mareeba Wetlands.

A red Backed Fairy Wren.

A red winged Parrot.

A Golden Orb Spider & Steve.
Oh Yes we get a lot of cruise ships come into Port Douglas and on this one was Baz, Jodie, Mary-Anne, Tony etc. Plus Ricky whom lives in Cairns. It was great to catch up with some South Australians & have a few beers.  

Next we head back to Mossman Gorge to see it in the wet & yes it was raining!!!

Pretty little stream.

Just colourful.

The water is definitely flowing now.


The highest point in Mossman gorge, on a wet day.

Look how this tree is leaning.

Me holding this boulder up!!

Steve checking the temperature and yes very fresh!!

Boulders all the way down.
Steve & I at a very old Fig Tree.

The old Fig Tree.

Just pretty.

The foot path with all the tree roots.

A type of Fungus.

More Fungus.


More Fungus.

Fungus just fascinates me!!

This gorgeous little bird trying to keep out of the rain.

Rushing water.

Steve looking wet.


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