Wednesday 31 January 2018

St.Helens, Ringarooma, Legerwood & lots of waterfalls - Tasmania.

Up & out early this morning, our first call was The Shop in The Bush. Onto Halls Falls for a brisk morning walk, next onto Pyengana Cheese Factory & The Holy Cow CafĂ© for tea.(With the self milking cows) Great to watch. Pub in the Paddock and next a short walk to St. Columba Falls which are impressive. Over Intake bridge to Ralph Falls (We were told they were not flowing) still you have to see for yourself & yes they were flowing, however the rock formation was great to see  anyway. Carrying along the circuit walk to Cashs Gorge & Gorge Falls.
A fantastic drive over Mt Victoria (Elevation 3960') stunning topography and great to watch the tree felling.
Ringarooma, Legerwood, Branxholm, Derby & Weldborough were all pleasant little towns.
Echidna's everywhere Steve spotted five straight out! A fabulous day!

Halls Falls.

Lush ferns around the falls.

Self milking cow's.

This one needed more food so couldn't get out.

Stunning ranges around the Pyengana Cheese Factory.

The pub in the paddock.

Steve enjoying the view from the pub. 

St. Columba Falls.

The bottom of the falls.

St. Columba Falls.

The spray from the falls.

This machine was incredible, cutting the trees down, stripping all the bark & cutting and stacking to equal length.

Forest Country.

Loading the logs.

The rock formation was amazing and at least some water was falling. 

The lay of the land.

Ralph Falls.

Gorge Falls.

Look at that! 

Cashs Gorge.

Legerwood - The story is 9 trees were planted, seven for the loss of life to soldiers from the first world war, another tree for Gallipoli &one for Anzac. In 2001 the trees were deemed unsafe, so the community got to get raised $27000 to have a park made and the sculptures as seen below to remember our heros! (2006).

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