Monday 29 January 2018

Tomahawk Beach, Policemans Point, Musselroe Bay - Tasmanina.

After a great time in Beaconsfield, we head to Bridport for a brief stop,  carrying on to Blackman's lagoon and finally Tomahawk beach. Apparently Tomahawk beach is Tasmania best kept secret! Policeman's Point & Musselroe Beach both in Mt William National Park.
We had perfect weather for Australia Day and perfect locations!

We wanted to camp in the big sand dunes, but couldn't get there.

Blackman's Lagoon.

Bull Rushes remind me of my child hood. 

Tomahawk Beach.

Tomahawk Beach - so busy!!

Tomahawk Beach.

Next Policeman's Point in Mt William National Park, which is the top end of the Bay of Fires.

Again busy at the beach!

Steve having a dip!
Steve having a paddle.

Steve cruising on the inlet.
Pelicans love it here.

Our drive out to Musselroe Beach, this would have been stunning from the drone.

Very picturesque.
Excellent vista.

Pretty & peaceful. 

Steve being a rock Wallaby.

The steak round here looks soooooo good!

Policeman's Point.

Our drive out of Mt William National Park, very pretty. I tried to hang out of the window and get pictures as we went! 


The van travels so well.

An old wooden bridge!

As it was so hot in St. Helen's, we took a drive out to Binnalong Bay(Bottom of the Bay of Fires) and they had surf!!

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