Friday 21 December 2018

Daintree, Cape Tribulation & Cooktown. QLD.

Mossman was our base for a few days, whilst we did Cape Tribulation. I was on the hunt for a Cassowary and crocodile's for Jane & Glen. Unfortunately we didn't see either, still the scenery was spectacular and we had a great time.


Daintree Tea Plantation

Daintree Tea Plantation.


Glen, Jane & Steve on Cape Tribulation Beach.

Lace Monitor Lizard. 

He was a good size.

Jane & Glen in the oldest rainforest in the world.

Cassowary Plum's.

Lush and green from the look out at Cape Tribulation.

Me & Steve.

A very unique tree.

Fantastic Fronds. 

Steve being silly with Jane & Glen.

Canon Ball Fruit.

We saw dusky Rat Kangaroo's, however I wasn't quick enough with the camera. This was on the Marrja botanical walk. 

A natural weave/twist.

Steve with his twin!

Two old birds with the only Cassowary's we saw!

Cassowary poo.

The Daintree ferry carries a maximum of 27 vehicle's.

We did two cruises on the Daintree River and it was really pretty. $25 each.

Jack Fruit at Daintree Village.

Royal spoon bill.


A Pied Cormorant drying out.

Great Egret.

Next we headed up the range towards Cooktown.

Byerstown Range.

Glen & Jane with their camper Van.

The top of the ranges.

Apart from my thumb, nice of Jane & Glen following us.

The road to Cooktown.


We took a Dee-tour to the icon pub - The Lions Den. Where the boys got a beer and the lucky ladies got to make lunch.

Cattle near the Lions Den. Look at that for a set of horns.

Black Mountain. 

Loved Cooktown the first time and still love it the second time, just has a great feel to it.
The Sovereign Resort had a band on (Clam Sandwich) on Friday night, so we went for a evenings entertainment.

Steve with a Leopard Tank.

The historic post office. 

The new Cooktown foreshore looks fabulous.

Love it! 

Cooktown from Grassy Hill. 

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