Thursday 6 December 2018


We depart Charters Towers and do a 456km drive,  this drive was very pretty, lots of well fed cattle & horses. It seems very green and there is plenty of healthy trees. We had a lot of smoke from over 120 bush fires burning in Queensland, The road we spend most of the trip on was called BEEF road.
The single lane road was very interesting, with bends and large road trains hurtling towards us!  Greenvale was a great lunch spot.

Fletcher empty river.

One lane road with 2 way traffic.

Ravenshoe Railway station.

As it says Queensland's highest town 920m.

Old Ford truck

A shame this train hasn't ran for 4 years.

Guinea fowl. 

Tully Gorge.

Millstream big Falls.

Millstream big Falls.

On our last day in Ravenshoe, we were in the main street - the police came and closed of the road. We had police vehicles, 2 Ambulance and 3 fire engines. It was a suspected gas leak. After an hour or so, the road was opened. Next we had a 5 hour power cut due to a storm in Atherton. Next the super market was on fire ( we think it was actually the generator). It was an extremely busy day for the emergency services!!

Ambulances on standby.

Three fire engines & the Christmas tree.

The staff from the super market heading back to work after the fire.

Before arriving into Cairns we had to do the Gillies range with the van on, very steep with for 19km and 263 bends to content with. Thank goodness for the great driver- Steve.
Steve at the gateway to the GBR.


Steve, Smudge & Erica - great timing to catch up friends!

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