Monday 5 October 2020

Broome to Marble Bar. WA.

As we leave Broome behind and head over Roebuck Plains station, which is 2700 square klms. We come across a muster all done by horse which is quite rare these days -how lucky..............

Oh yer -muster of poddies.

Roebuck Plains.

Yep - we have these all under control.

Hold them here!

Ready to go either way.

Push them poddies up!

Cowboys look relaxed.

There was a bush fire earlier in the year.

Blackened bush from the bushfire.

Not much bush left.

Pardoo Station.

Pardoo Creek.

Love Brolga's.
Stunning Birds.

The great expanse of Pardoo station mud flats.

very scenic.

Watch for crocodiles.

Millions of birds out here.

Steve with his new friend the Goanna (Sandy 2 ).

Port Hedland truck stop.

Loved Marble Bar last time, so time for a second look.

Marble Bar still holds the record for the hottest town.  A fact still recorded in the Guinness book of records for 161 consecutive days, leading up to the 20th April 1924, the temperature never dropped below 37.8!!

Shire of East Pilbara - Australia's largest shire.

Court house, police station & Museum.

Loved these hessian curtains & they looked brand new.

Steve's bike.

The town museum.

Baking fresh bread which is yum!

Steve waiting for the Iron Clad pub to open.

The bar.

Steve enjoying a few beers.

Carawine Gorge.

Carawine Gorge.

Love the bull rushes.

Me looking very small....

soooooo cute.

Look at this big bull.

Steve enjoying the vista.

A lot of dragon flys and how this one managed to sit here in gale force winds, was incredible!

The vast & barron landscape.

Polished glazier rock.

A great day out, with an ever changing scenic drive, Carawine Gorge was stunning. The wind however was blowing a gale.

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