Saturday 10 October 2020

Point Samson to Onslow.WA.

Pictures to follow of Roebourne, Point Samson and on to Onslow (The place it all began in ).

Whim Creek - The pub you must see! That's what the sign said, so we turned around and went back for a look and a drink. Unfortunately it was all closed up. Very sad to see.

This is the sign at the gate a mini whim Creek Pub.

Roebourne Gaol having some work done.

Roebourne Gaol - we have done before.

Looked like they belong to the Orchid family?

The old railway carts at Point Samson.

A great lookout, at least 11 big ships we could count anchored.

Point Samson Bay.

Steve paddling around.

Calm evening.

The pub at Point Samson had a great position for a cold beer or two, expensive considering how close to Karratha it is. We also took a drive around Wickham, which seemed like a new suburb.


This is the first placed we ever worked, whilst we were travelling and it felt like we were coming home. They have done a lot of building work and it looks a thriving town.

Salt Lakes.

My friends and I outside the council office in Onslow.

Our view from the van.

Our home.

Steve on a beach walk.

It may be school holidays, yet not busy here!

This ship being filled with Onslow salt.

Onslow Beach Resort- this was old dongers which Steve was over seeing the removal of, 7 years ago.

The old jetty.

Perfect shells.

Coffee at The Onslow Beach Club.

They have done a great job.

The salt heading to the ship.

Piles of salt.

To give you an idea of size, that is a bull dozer on top!

This salt truck about to drop its load.

The Masingdon Project- about 4000 staff work here!

Oktoberfest at the Beadon Bay Pub!!

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