Thursday 17 December 2020

Sheep Shearing at Brice Farm. SA. (2)

We had a fantastic day in the shearing shed, all family to help, plus us. Jake  (JG Shearing) was the shearer and he was excellent and fast. He had 7 big  Rams to deal with and big Ewes. A professional gun shearer will remove a fleece, without marking or cutting the sheep in two to three minutes. Jake was doing them in this time and he looked pretty relaxed! You get double money for shearing Rams,  however Jake earned it!

After a hair cut.

Fleeces in the bale maker.

Steve squashing the wool in the baler.

Squash that wool.

Another sheep nearly shorn.

The last three sheep waiting for their turn.

Andrew, Pauline & Emma.

Jake the shearer bent double.

Fleece on the grading table.

Ryder, Me & Tyler.

Lambs wool.

Another one exits.

Look how fat this sheep is.

Angel crushing the wool.

Pauline & Emma, discussing the wool quality.

A lot of standing around in the shearing shed.

Paul helping Jake the shearer.

Tyler & Ryder squashing the Bale, with Nia checking they are doing it correctly.

Working on the bale.

Nia, Ryder, Paul and baby goat William,

Ryder having a rest on the grading table.

William & Paul. 

Andrew, Ryder, Pauline, Angel & Lee.

William & Paul.

Lee supervising Angel.

As usual the girls doing the work.

Andrew, Steve & Emma.

Help - let me out!

The sheep has gone & Paul is picking up the fleece!

Emma & Lee on the grading table.

The sparkys have a giggle.

Help me, Help me!

Jake & Paul.

Pauline checking on the kids! (Steve & Ryder).

Ryder collected the eggs.

I need my fringe cutting.

Docking the tails with an audience.

Angel showing Lee what will happen to him, if he ever miss-behaves!!!

What's going on?

Christmas party.

We all had a great family day. We had a BBQ hosted by Pauline & Paul Brice! 

Of course we have to take the bale of wool to the wool buyers in Strathalbyn.

Off to sell the wool.

The bale is unloaded.

Brice Bale on the scale's & the big wheel barrows.

In the grading room.

No shortage of wool here.

Paul & his bale.

Graded Bales.

The price of wool is not very good this year!