Sunday 13 December 2020

Million Doller View - Pages Flat. South Australia. (1). (Brice Farm)

Some great friends/family have agreed for us to stay up on the 88 acre farm, which is extremely kind of them. 

Million dollar view.

Cattle Grazing.
Fun Fact - Cattle do snore!

Home in the paddock.

Yabbies from the Dam.

Yabbie linguine, yabbie omelette!

The sheep enjoying the last rays of sunshine.


Me fattening the sheep.

Just down the road is the best Cherry Farm! Delicious! 

Hello - who said you could camp here?

The going down of the Sun.

Golden fleece.

Follow my leader!


Sunlight through the tree's.

Tyler's pet.

In the woodland area.


Views further South.

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