Tuesday 14 September 2021

Wullo River Station 29 - NT. (Tricks)

We continue on, every day is different..........

No guests tonight, a staff meal is organised down at Jensen's Boab by the river.

Sunset & Fire.

Exhausted after some big days but still smiling.

Top End Ringers.

Kate, Millie & Sandie enjoying their drinks. 

Having a good old yarn, Sangria does that to you! 

The buyer was here and Erin didn't want to sell this little beauty, such a cutie.

Trying to eat my pear & Mr G was determined to have some.

Getting the horses in.

They are always as far as you can get from the yards.

Erin saddling up & Banjo the donkey came for a look.

Joe following. With no lead rope.

Erin riding, leading & Joe following.

Erin, Richard & Millie educating the weaners in the yards.

Ainslee & I.

Walking in & out of the weaners, playing music, trying to touch them.

It gets a bit boring for the ringers (I really like it) the ringers keep themselves amused and certainly entertained me!




Me & my friends.

Me on Coolman.

Ainslee & I.

Erin decided to walk for a while.

What's Ainslee up to??

The horse with no rider.



Me in my happy place.



Excuse me Erin, you are back to front & Ainslee your just on one side??

Erin & Ainslee playing up in the yards!

You have got this Erin.


Competition time.

Ainslee has got this.

Oh - we have Erin as a late contender.

Congratulation Ladies!

Another move from Ainslee.


Working in the yards.

Erin on the tractor, feeding time.

Monday 13 September 2021

Wullo River Station 28 - NT. (2 day muster).

We continue on with our journey at Bullo River Station. 

Me working in the yards.

The ringers set up portable yards across the river, so the cattle didn't have to travel very far.
The helicopter mustered them to a cooler and we pushed them on, into another smaller cooler and finally the yards.
We trucked the calves to the main yards, branded them and trucked them back to their mum's.
We also drafted off nasty cattle or one's the boss didn't like the look of. The weaners were also trucked to the yards for processing (450).

Day 1.

Going to catch the horses, as we are going on a muster.

Hessian over the fences to trick the cattle. 

Makes the fences look solid. I have read about this in so many old books, I didn't realize this method is still used today.

Saddles ready to go.

Securing the portable yards.

Finally on a big muster!

Steve on a muster.

About a 1000 head plus 400 weaners.

Steve chasing up a slow bull.

5 horses all in line.

Me & Ainslee trucking the horses to bring in the cattle.

Our horses are in the horse box.

The horse box, does the hard yards.

Me walking the horses to the horse float.

Steve with a couple of horses.

Dust for as far as the eye can see.

Me on Mr Guinness .

I might chase this one, but must not break the line.

Heading into the scrub.

Back from the first 800 plus cattle, waiting on further commands. We all have lunch and most had a nap including the horses!

Oatis, Mr Guiness & Me!

800 cattle.

Steve & Oatis having a cuddle.

Steve's super happy to be part of the muster team.

Erin giving us a lesson on horses feet.

Rex & Ainslee having a minute.

Rex & Ainslee a sleep.

Time for Steve & Otis to have a nap.

Mr G & I keeping watch & listening for the radio call. 

The first lot are secure in the portable yards.

Portable yards.

Cattle moving up.

Day 2 of the muster.
Final push to yard the last 450 ish!

Ainslee, Richard, Erin, Steve and I on horses.

Ainslee, Richard, Erin & Catherine, all very happy as cattle are safely in the yards.

Steve tailing the mob.

Joe & Catherine (Station Managers).

Keep the line!

Keeping them moving.

Couple of big bulls near me, I hope they don't want to fight.

BBQ lunch.

Steak on the BBQ & Steak grazing in the back ground!

Today was a big day, we loaded the last trunk just on dark (For the day, more to truck tomorrow).
The weaners & misfits also had to be fed in the dark Finish time 8pm, who cares when we are living the dream!!

Millie dancing in the head lights.

Glow in the dark spider & web.

Feeding cattle in the dark and this weaners looks like he is in the spotlight!

Dark & Dusty.

Cattle settling in the yards.

Erin & Catherin.

Catherine on the last load of the day.

The sun going down.

Driving out to the portable yards, last load.

Ainslee with a bloody big sandwich.

Catherine, Bernie, Sandi & Joe.


Catherine & Bernie. (Father & Daughter).

Erin & Ainslee.

Action in the yards.

Two full days of mustering, drafting, counting, several of us had minor incidents, bruising etc, Overall a great muster, we lost one big bull on the muster who broke the fence, he is just in another paddock. I believe the boss was over all very happy! About 1250 plus cattle all up!!
For me personally it was a dream come true, maybe I wasn't a lot of help to the ringers, however for me the  experience was on another level. I dreamt of being a Cowgirl when I was 14 years old and finally at the age of 58, I have gotten pretty close. Super happy for the opportunities Bullo River station and the managers Joe, Catherine, Erin, Ainslee & Richard (Ringers) have given myself & Steve!!