Tuesday 14 September 2021

Wullo River Station 29 - NT. (Tricks)

We continue on, every day is different..........

No guests tonight, a staff meal is organised down at Jensen's Boab by the river.

Sunset & Fire.

Exhausted after some big days but still smiling.

Top End Ringers.

Kate, Millie & Sandie enjoying their drinks. 

Having a good old yarn, Sangria does that to you! 

The buyer was here and Erin didn't want to sell this little beauty, such a cutie.

Trying to eat my pear & Mr G was determined to have some.

Getting the horses in.

They are always as far as you can get from the yards.

Erin saddling up & Banjo the donkey came for a look.

Joe following. With no lead rope.

Erin riding, leading & Joe following.

Erin, Richard & Millie educating the weaners in the yards.

Ainslee & I.

Walking in & out of the weaners, playing music, trying to touch them.

It gets a bit boring for the ringers (I really like it) the ringers keep themselves amused and certainly entertained me!




Me & my friends.

Me on Coolman.

Ainslee & I.

Erin decided to walk for a while.

What's Ainslee up to??

The horse with no rider.



Me in my happy place.



Excuse me Erin, you are back to front & Ainslee your just on one side??

Erin & Ainslee playing up in the yards!

You have got this Erin.


Competition time.

Ainslee has got this.

Oh - we have Erin as a late contender.

Congratulation Ladies!

Another move from Ainslee.


Working in the yards.

Erin on the tractor, feeding time.

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