Saturday 4 September 2021

Wullo River Station 26 - NT. (Covid jab)

Various events at Bullo River Station......

Every meal we (Guest Services), try to decorate the table differently. As it get's closer to the end of the dry, it becomes harder to find something fresh & green. Lucky for me a branch fell of a large tree and I was able to retrieve these lovely decorations.

Dinner decorations by me.

Vibrant colours.

Sandi & I out with The Pony club! (We have no ponies on the property) lol.

Me & Mr G trying to get in position - Which we failed at!

The Royal Flying Doctors came to give us our 1st Covid Jab. Extremely well organised team and they came from SA, stopping at most Stations at this top end. Organised by the Cattleman Association.

Steve, Me & Milly.

Most of the team after the jab.


On my day off, I went out with Ainslee (A ringer), she was loading the dump truck and driving the dump truck. A fun day.

Ainslee loading the dump truck.

Emptying the Dump truck.

Filling the Dump Truck.


Happy at work.

Me & Ainslee.

Just the two of us & The Dump Truck.

A frill Necked Lizard I spotted.

Me having a drive.


Lovely colours.

Ready for work.

We had a fun day, sat in the bucket of the loader for lunch, it gave us shade and something to lean on.
I did 3 trips unloaded and my reversing needs some work. We did run out of fuel, however we didn't have far to walk!!! 

Steve had a couple of fun days off, he rode Beacon first and on his second day rode Oatis and got to ride tail in the muster!!

Beacon is ready.

Bringing in the horses & Joe wanted some affection.

Steve giving Bobbie the Buffalo a stroke.


Steve riding out with the ringers.

Steve & Millie behind.



Buggies & horses.

Erin, Emily, Steve, Ainslee, Richard & Millie (Ringers).

Steve having a yarn with guests in the yards.

Millie, Steve & Richard.

Steve, Millie, Ainslee, Richard, Emily all waiting for the signal.

Ringers holding the mob.

Steve rounded up the cattle and I had days off next, so I was able to help in the yards.

Me pushing the cattle up the race.

Ringers heading to the yards.

Cattle being moved.

I have read about & seen some mustering chopper pilots, however being very close, I was still very shocked at how crazy they are. We had serious problems with a couple of heifers who have escaped muster's before, not this time, they broke some fences, pilots smoked them, buggies chased them and eventually we yarded them!!! Completely mad!! Cattle & Pilots!!
(Photo's from Millie).

Chopper smoking & buzzing! (Top End Mustering).

Millie & I in the yards.


We stayed back ready to help! Got kicked out of this buggie and left in the paddock!! lol

you can't hardly see the heifer.

Millie & I after work drinks in the yards.

Love these yards.



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