Thursday 23 June 2022

Minderoo Station - Exmouth Whale Sharks. WA.

Its been a while since my last blog, due to the nature of work this season being at a private home.
We have been busy getting out and about, still living a good life. The photos are varied.

Steve having chat time with his friends.

The locals are friendly.

Very Cute.

We had a lot of rain this year.

Peace on the River.


Before the rain. Everything is pindan colour.

Our garden.

Our house at Minderoo.

Us in Broome.


Fortescue River.

Fortescue River Overnight Camp.

The river crossing to another one of our stations.

Me on a Sunday walk.

Steve ripping bushes up.

Two of our Alpacas.

Sun rise in the Pilbara.

Steve's work ute.

Kate doing the airport pick up.

The cattle love the fresh water.

The animals appreciate the bore runner.

Me swimming in the Ashburton.

The Ashburton is still flowing just.

How pretty.

My cowboy is off mustering! (Riding Outlaw).

Some of the horses enjoying the fresh water.

Steve up in the Heli for hours at a time - checking on Bores & looking for leaks.

The Coast from the air.

One of Minderoo's weir's.

We had a little rain.

The three Alpacas.

More rain - which is great to see the country come alive.

Steve's Work truck.

Steve had a couple of nights in the truck.

The view from the truck.

Geraldton and back loaded.

Back at camp burning the garden rubbish.

Another day & another truck.

Boy's toy's.

We had 5 days away at Exmouth. WA.

Me waiting for my cocktails at Mataray's Exmouth.


Dressed for dinner.

Leopard Shark. (Closet relative to the Whale Shark).

Whale Shark.

Whale Shark and Jelly Fish.

Whow!! beautiful creatures.

Wonderful Ray.

Shovel Nose Shark.

My Man.

Whale Shark.

A rather large sea snake.

A Sea Snake heading our way.

Whale Shark.


Great photo.

Our Boat.

Leopard Shark.

Leopard Shark.

We had an incredible day. The Whale Sharks have been on our bucket list for a long time and finally we have done it. We have had a lot of friends that had done this, but nothing you hear or photos you see do this experience justice. We went with Ningaloo Blue and the crew and skipper were amazing. The day was overcast, the swell was 3.5 metres, the Whale sharks were everywhere. We also saw hump back whales, giant Cod, a Tiger Shark and the hundreds of other creatures in the ocean. It was a dream come true!

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