Saturday 25 June 2022

Minderoo Station - WA. (Random pictures).

More pictures ........................

The Ashburton River after rain.

The open plains.

Vast open country side, dry and baron.

Look at me!

Get out of my rooms.

Be sure to check the toilet before you sit down.

Another snake trying to look like a hose pipe.

Morning walk.

Steve having a stroll.

wet every where now.

I went on a bore run with Steve and this is what happened.

Being pulled out by the tractor.

What a mess.

Anzac Day.

Anzac Day.

Kate & I having a swim in Champagne pool.

A night camping down at the river.

Front row seats.

The fire is looking good.

We had a function for 30 guest's.

It looked much better than the pictures. I love our light shades.

First night was pink and 2nd night white.

Amazing what you can do in an old shed.(Due to rain).

As a thankyou, I got to go up in the Heli for 90 minutes looking for Bulls. (We never saw any Bulls).

No shortage of water now.

Aerial view of the river.

Lots of large puddles now.

Me & Fab the chef.

Look at the grass appearing already.

Me heading out for a ride on Outlaw.



Paul the mechanic cooked some camp ovens and how delicious. 

One of our other stations Uarroo. They have a lot more hills than Minderoo.

Heading into another of our Stations Emu Creek, which is very pretty.

Emu Creek Station.

Steve & Pete having a yarn.


Down by the river.

We camped at the shearing shed for the night.

Shearing shed.

Full of character.

Picture perfect.

This old gate was stunning.

Shearing shed as Emu Creek, used to be a sheep station.

Lovely Gate.

Views to the homestead.

Stencil for the wool bags.

Our pool at Mataray's, Exmouth.

These mushroom's looked like little people.

Kate & I went into Town to pick up a chair. 

Sometimes you just need something simple ( a chair) to have fun in the Outback.

Fun shirt Friday!

The mushroom people grew into these.

We went into town and stayed at the Beach Club.

Expresso Martini to wake us up!

Free concert - The Chore boys and so much more. Great night.


Bird flower.

A simple dinner setting for tonight.

The Bird Flower Vase.

The guests loved it.

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