Monday 19 August 2013

Adel's Grove, Lawn Hill National Park & a Muster.

We leave Seven Emu Station and continue along Savannah Way, we cross several River crossings, (We have noticed any deep crossing never have a depth gauge, is this because they have been washed away? flood ways with no water always still seem to have them). We see Brolga's, Brumbies and we are certainly deep in the heart of cattle land now. We eventually arrive at Adel's Grove, and it is crazy, so many people, not the kind of camping we are used to!!
We canoe the Lawn Hill Gorge and did some walks.

                                              Crossing into Queensland.

                                        One of the many hazards on the road.

                                             Lot's of Cattle & Lot's of dust!!

                                         It's my road and I will not move!!

                 A water crossing with no signs and we could not see the road out!!!!

                              A fresh water Croc, we did some swimming with.

                  Swimming in Lawn Hill Creek, with the Fresh Crocs was great fun.


Lawn Hill Gorge.
One of the many falls, in the Gorge.
Another water fall.
Steve trying to get me wet as I was in the front of the Canoe.
                                                      Lawn Hill Gorge.

Steve doing the work, behind me.
Lawn Hill Gorge.
         Steve at the end of the Gorge, where water is coming from every direction.

Lawn Hill Gorge.
                                Steve in the Cascades, Lawn Hill National Park.

Oh, yes we went to dinner at Adel's Grove and Mixed with the posh people.
                                             Another hazard of the road.

We head towards Gregory downs and onto Burke town and after a week or more on unsealed roads, it was nice to be on a sealed road.(I'm sure knowing Steve it won't last long). Along the way we came upon a muster taking place on a creek, well it looked crazy to us, the helicopter was nearly on the ground and in the trees, it looked scary, however the pilot even had time to wave, there were a couple of utes, a couple of Bikes and about 4 dogs, it was great to watch!!

A helicopter mustering.
There are cattle running everywhere.
The Ute, Bike and a dog cross the creek.





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