Friday 9 August 2013

Garig,Gunak Barlou National Park.2.& Cutta Cutta Caves.

Here are some of the birds we saw; Jabiru, Black Cockies, Hawks, Eagles, Falcon’s, Little Egrets, Cormaronts, pelican’s, Pied Heron, Beach Stone Curlew, Pied Oyster catchers, Red Capped plovers, Bar shouldered Doves, Brolga’s, Sulphur crested Cockatoo,, white breasted wood swallows, night Heron, Sooty Oyster catcher, Olive backed Oriole, Camcal Pheasant, Honey bee eater & many more that we don’t know their names. We saw Banteng Cattle; this is the home for the world’s largest wild herd. (These Indonesian cattle are endangered in their native habitat). We also saw a snake near the rangers lodge (unsure of what type).

Garig Gnak Barlu National Park is located 570klm from Darwin by road;  the park includes the entire Peninsular, the surrounding waters of the Arafura Sea,  Van Dieman Gulf and some of the Islands.  It covers 4, . The park contains sandy beaches,  dunes, grasslands,   mangroves,  rainforest patches,  swamps,  lagoons, coral reefs,  sea grass meadows & rich marine life.  We have driven the coastal drive and collected fire wood,  it was sooooo pretty and we saw many tracks: - Dingo’s, turtle, lizard, pigs, Snake, buffalo, donkey’s & cattle, unfortunately we only saw the tracks!! There is no safe swimming hereL.
Around our camp in the evening we have northern Brown Bandicoot, (apparently they ate some other campers tucker last night)!!! Wallabies, also the camp next door had a small croc in it, 3 nights ago!! 
We did the wetlands walk around Wuwurdi Swamp, this was a very pretty walk, again we saw lots of tracks, we did see a 2 metre Croc in the Billabong. Next we drove out to Smith Point to have a look at the Beacon, this was built in December 1845 by marines from Port Essington, to help guide the ships, it was rebuilt in December 1978 by the crew from H.M.A.S Ardent.
Steve painting his Didgeridoo at our campsite.
Steve at G.G.B.N.P.
                                                          Me in a tree.

                                                        Turtle Tracks.

Kurrajong Blossom.
                                          A Croc hiding behind the tree.

                                         Devastation caused by the cyclone.

                                       The Wetlands walk. Wuwurdi Swamp.

                                                           The jetty.

                                               Steve at the Boat ramp.

Steve at Smith point Beacon.
                                                            Smith Point.

                                              Smith point on a windy day.

                                                  Sunset at G.G.B.N.P.

                                                           Us at Sunset.

A tiny Lizard.
Me doing the washing old school.
The best Damper I have made!!!
              Steve with the Lamb Shanks on the go, to go with the Damper!! Yummy!!!

                                               The drive back to Kakadu.

Cahill's Crossing.
See the good picture's I take, when a 4 metre Croc is swimming along side and the water is trying to push us off the Causeway. If you look, you can actually see the force and speed of the water!!! Scary!!!!
The rush of water.
Steve having a beer at Jabiru.
A baby Rock Wallaby.
Cutta Cutta Caves.
Cutta Cutta Caves.
Cutta Cutta Caves.
A peacock visiting our camp.






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