Tuesday 19 December 2017

Bay of Fires, Oatlands, Campbelltown, Ross, Richond & Hobart.- Tasmania (With Sally).

We do a very scenic forest drive to the Bay of Fires.  We had a lovey birthday lunch at Binalong Bay.
Visited the lost fall's. (Which were certainly not there).
Read many convict crimes on the pavements in Campbelltown, stayed in the very pretty town of Ross & female prison. Enjoyed a pleasant afternoon in Richmond (Jail) and did the Cascades Female Factory in Hobart.

Binalong Bay.

Birthday girl.

The Bay of Fires.

Some more of the bay of fires.

Topography from The Lost Waterfall Look out.

No water in the lost waterfall.

A Carving near Campbelltown bridge.

Ross female Factory (prison).

Ross Bridge (1833) Third oldest in Australia. 

Ross Bridge at night.


Callington Mill at Oatlands.

Richmond Bridge (1825) Oldest bridge in Australia.

Steve in chains where he belongs.

Richmond Jail $10 entrance fee.

Richmond Jail.

Not a great deal to see at Cascades Female Factory (Prison), lots of stories and only $5.

Cascades Female Factory with Mt Wellington in the back ground.

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