Tuesday 19 December 2017

Port Arthur - Tasmanina (with Sally).

We retrace our steps and have another day at Port Arthur, today is totally different. The sun is shinning, we do the introductory tour, followed by the boat tour and in the evening re-visit for the ghost tour.
The Port Arthur Historic Site is a place of national & international significance - part of the epic story of a settlement of this country. This was a complete community - home to military personnel, free settlers and convicts.
There was plenty of wild life around Pt Arthur.

The Penitentiary (1857) One of the thirty plus buildings. 

Isle of the dead cemetery.

Sally on the boat tour.

Port Arthur church at night.

Spooky stuff on the ghost tour or just a bad photo.

Tessellated Pavement.

Tessellated Pavement.

The Dog line on Eaglehawk Neck.
This was a row of lamps &  9 dogs, to stop convicts escaping from Port Arthur.

The Archway.

The coast line.

This Tasmania Rufous Wallaby was the size of a rabbit- tiny. 

Devils kitchen.

The coast line near Remarkable Caves.

Remarkable Cave.

A full day could be spend at the coal mines - which formed part of the convict discipline & punishment on the Tasman Peninsula.

One of the cells.

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