Tuesday 5 December 2017

Hobart Area- Tasmania (Nia, Paul & Tyler).

Nia, Paul & Tyler came to visit. The weather was not so good and we had a lot of heavy rain. We managed to visit several places and fit a lot in.
We had a day out at Port Arthur, the unzoo and a good meal at the pub to finish the day (Courtesy of the Brice's).  We went to the Margate train, Hasting caves, thermal pool, Willie Smith cider tasting, Snug falls, Hobart city & harbour, "Doo Town" , The blow holes at Pirates Bay.  We had a fantastic time!!
Steve has also been to Grandvewe Tasmania's only sheep cheesery.

Pirate's Bay Blowholes.

Blow hole's.

The Blow hole's

The Penitentiary-Port Arthur.(1857)

Visibility wasn't to good on the harbour cruise- Port Arthur.

Inside The Penitentiary.

Paul & Steve.


Guard Tower.

The welfare/Hospital.

Port Arthur grounds.

Tyler in the isolation cell.

The Church (1837)


Tyler at the unzoo with a tawney frog mouth owl.

Tyler with a Tassie devil in the back ground.

Tyler rounding up the Barron Geese.

Echidna at Hasting's cave's. 

Tyler & Paul in the Thermal pool.

                                                              Tyler in the thermal pool.

Paul & Tyler. 

Tyler & Steve in a small cave.

Tyler being silly.

2km and we arrive at Snug Fall's.
Dad Steve & Tyler at Snug Fall's.

Nia, Paul & Tyler at Snug Fall's.



Nia & Tyler in Franklin Square in Hobart.

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