Saturday 10 November 2018

Broome. WA. 2018 (3).

We took Sally to see some Dinosaur foot prints. The Dinosaurs foot prints can be seen at low tide, dependant on sand movement. The 20 plus different types of tracks can be assigned to 4 main groups of Dinosaurs - Theropods, Sauropods, Thyreophorans & Ornithopods. These foot prints are over 130 million years old!

Back foot of a Theropod.

Nice leg & Theropod foot print.

Sally stayed at the Oats Sanctuary on this trip, which was just down the road from us. 

Sally's resort "Oats Sanctuary"

Steve & I in Sally's resort pool.

Many hours spend in The Oats Sanctuary resort pool.

In our free time we had a go at crazy golf - 18 holes.

Crazy golf.

Steve checking Sally doesn't cheat! 

Me & Steve.

                                                  GO HORIZONTAL FALLS TOUR.

This is one of mother natures true phenomenon's, a great experience, a must see for anyone visiting the Kimberley area. A one hour 20 minute flight over the Cape Leveque and the incredible Buccaneer Archipelago, landing on Cockatoo Island. The customer service and little extra's were exceptional on this trip!

Our plane for the day. 

Cable Beach.

Broome looks better from the air.

Clouds building.

Very Scenic.

The Cape Leveque Road, now being sealed.

Stunning colours.

One Arm Point Settlement.

Coming in to land at Cockatoo Island.

The barge that delivers Fuel &Food to Cockatoo Island.

A window -Natural rock formation.

Mangrove passage was stunning, so much fish life.

Steve enjoying his cruise.

Steve Tucker doing the safety demonstration. 

Horizontal Falls - starting to pump 9.8 metres.

Incredible water movement.

You wouldn't want to fall out the boat.

Breath taking.  

Horizontal Falls.  

Me & Sally.
Cockatoo Island Mine. 

The colours are magnificent.

Complete contrast on the opposite side of Dalmatian Beach.

Dalmatian Beach.

Time for a swim - whilst watching for Crocs!!

Go Horizontal Falls Boat.

750 horse power!!

Safer on land.

Steve cooling off.

The colours of the rock.

Steve & I.

Sinking Sally.

Steve enjoying a beer.

Me enjoying a beer.

Nearly time to leave.

Our runway on Cockatoo Island.

Afternoon sun causing some glare.


Love the colours.

Scenic spectacular. 

Flying over the falls -they look small from up here.

Talbot Bay to the Falls.

Horizontal falls.

A very special part of Australia.

We had to Zig Zag through the storm clouds.

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