Wednesday 28 November 2018

Northern Territory to Queensland.

Travelling from Lake Argyle over to Charters Towers. We have seen a lot of cloud build up, yet very little rain. The heat seems to be following us and in northern Queensland they are breaking all records. The animal life has been varied. Hardly any tourists around this time of year, so the travelling and camping has been great.

A bush sunset - Barkley Homestead.


This donkey looked very sick- very sad to see.


Working windmills.
Pretty cute lizard.

Julia Creek.

The calm before the storm.

Not sure what these are but nice.

A budgie.

Whilst at Julia creek, there were flocks and flocks and then some more flocks of budgies. So pretty to watch, yet so hard to get a good picture.
A storm blew in.

A crazy storm came from no where.

We had our own stair way to the moon at Julia Creek!

Six feral camels - yet we love to see them.

Wild Camels. (Just out of Hughenden)


Great Outback pub! 

The water buffalo at the back of the pub.

Buffy the water buffalo.

The Prairie Pub.

Inside each hat has a story about an outback drover/ringer/stockman.

So much to look at.

Echidna  passing by.  

The pub was closed on our arrival at 1030am, so we walked down the side of the pub, looking at the machinery on display. We saw the water buffalo and headed out back to get some pictures. This guy (Barefoot Bill) came out with some bread to feed the buffalo, low and behold, I said are you from Coffin Bay? Are you an electrician? He tried to deny it! However I was right, we have mutual friend's in Coffin Bay (Turtle & Mertle) . We ended spending the day with Bill, a nice Irish couple Rich & Ruth, also the owners Tom & Andrea. Free camped at the back of the pub.

Recognised this set up from SA.

A great day spend with barefoot Bill from coffin Bay!

The old prison cells made into public toilets- loved them!

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