Saturday 10 November 2018

Broome. WA. 2018.(2).

Sight seeing around Broome with Sally. The weather is still great not to hot between 32 & 36, with a nice breeze. The cloud formations are starting to build (The build up)  and one night we had some rain.
We visited the Malcolm Douglas crocodile park which was excellent value at $35.  Malcolm Douglas was an Australian wildlife documentary film maker  & crocodile hunter in the 1960's, however later dedicated himself to crocodile preservation.

Sally & Steve.

Can you see the crocodile's?

Now they are coming out for a snack.

Eyeing me up?

Pretty cute.

A Cassowary.

Sally touching a real Crocodile (With Steve's encouragement). Do not try this at home - if you have a crocodile!!!

This was the Croc Sally was touching!


Steve holding a baby Croc.

Sally's got a Croc!

Now I have a Croc!

Feeding time.

Scrapping over the chicken. 


Give me the chicken. 

Compare the size of Shawn the guide, compared to the Croc.

Steve at the outdoor cinema - with all the cushions!!

Two nights we went to the Worlds longest running outdoor cinema, which was built in 1913.
A must for anyone visiting Broome - take a cushion! 

A plane landing just before the movie started- hilarious! 

Sally with cushions & popcorn.

Here we go.

Great setting with Bats, Geckos on the screen & planes coming in to land!

Sally & I did the Snubfin Dolphin cruise, this was an excellent cruise, with so much sea life.
Roebuck bay is where the cruise took place and in 2015 was declared a marine park. Roebuck bay is Australians largest known Snubfin dolphin population. (190 dolphins).
Everyone knows how difficult it is to take pictures of dolphins - I think I did ok.
On this cruise we saw a lot of snubfin dolphins, turtles, sea snake, bottle nose dolphins, dugong mother & calf - brilliant!

Ballena our boat for the day.

The sun Princess coming in to dock at Broome.  


Sally all relaxed.

The mangroves & Ocean. 

Snubfin (Snubnose I reckon) Dolphin. 

Snubfin Dolphin's. 

Snubfin (Nose).

Sealegs our amphibious vessel, used for our transfer.

The Sun Princess has docked.


Seeing a Dugong has been on my bucket list for several years, especially being up this top end and finally I have seen a mother and calf! (Not my picture) I was sooooo excited I forgot about my camera.

A Dugong (Sea Cow) they weigh in excess of 500kg.

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